The Crown's Recreation of Prince Charles's Balmoral Photoshoot With His Sons Is Spot On

charles william harry balmoral
The Crown's Recreation of the Balmoral PhotoshootGetty Images; Netflix

Every summer, the royal family decamps to Balmoral Castle in Scotland, which was reportedly Queen Elizabeth's favorite place. Summer 1997 was no different for the royals. After vacationing with Princess Diana in Saint Tropez in July 1997, Prince William, then aged 15, and Prince Harry, 12, joined their father, Prince Charles, and the rest of the royals at Balmoral.

“A shock to the system, going from sun-drenched St. Tropez to cloud-shadowed Balmoral," Harry would later write in Spare. "I vaguely remember that shock, though I can’t remember much else about our first week at the castle. Still, I can almost guarantee it was spent mostly outdoors. My family lived to be outdoors, especially Granny, who got cross if she didn’t breathe at least an hour of fresh air each day. What we did outdoors, however, what we said, wore, ate, I can’t conjure.”

This fateful August is documented in part one of season six of The Crown, including the young princes' time at Balmoral with Charles. One notable moment that the Netflix royal drama took great pains to recreate faithfully was a photoshoot that Charles did with his sons in mid-August 1997.

Here, see all the photos of Prince Charles, Prince William, and Prince Harry in Balmoral in August 1997.

The Crown Season 6

Just for context, here's a shot from The Crown season six. Rufus Kampa plays Prince William, Dominic West plays Prince Charles, and Fflyn Edwards plays Prince Harry.

a group of people standing on a rocky hill
Keith Bernstein/Netflix

August 12, 1997

In reality, there were two days that the three royals snapped photos. The first was on August 12, at Polvier, on the River Dee on the Balmoral estate.

charles william harry balmoral
Tim Graham - Getty Images

Like in the show, they were accompanied by their black lab, Widgeon.

charles and william and harry and dogs
Tim Graham - Getty Images

Harry and William skipped stones in the river, as Charles looked on.

charles, william, harry and dog
Tim Graham - Getty Images

William throwing stones for Widgeon.

william and his labrador dog
Tim Graham - Getty Images

The Crown depicts the day as rainy, but per the photos, it doesn't seem to be raining.

anwar hussein collection
Anwar Hussein - Getty Images

The boys wore button-down shirts and pants; they have never really worn kilts.

charles, william and harry at balmoral
Tim Graham - Getty Images

15-year-old Prince William and his dog.

william and black labrador dog
Tim Graham - Getty Images

Charles and William chat in front of the camera.

charles and william joking
Tim Graham - Getty Images

Charles used a shephard's crook and wore a kilt.

charles, william harry photocall in balmoral
Julian Parker - Getty Images

Charles used a shepherd's crook and wore a kilt. He also had his pinky ring on.

charles, william harry photocall in balmoral
Julian Parker - Getty Images

Prince Harry write in Spare that he and William loved their time at Balmoral: "To me Balmoral was always simply Paradise. A cross between Disney World and some sacred Druid grove."

charles, william harry photocall in balmoral
Julian Parker - Getty Images

Charles watched his sons.

charles, william harry photocall in balmoral
Julian Parker - Getty Images

Prince Charles's Jack Russell dog, Tigger, was also with them in real life, but didn't feature in the drama.

anwar hussein collection
Anwar Hussein - Getty Images

King Charles typically always wears a kilt when he's in Scotland.

charles kilt at balmoral
Tim Graham - Getty Images

Prince William was a blonde teenager.

prince william at balmoral
Tim Graham - Getty Images

In the show, these photos are snapped by a photographer by the name of Duncan Muir. Getty Images credits them to Chris Bacon and Tim Graham.

charles william harry balmoral
Chris Bacon - PA Images - Getty Images

August 16, 1997

Unlike in the show, the royals had a second day of photos—featuring Charles, William, and Harry in similar outfits.

charles william harry at balmoral
Tim Graham - Getty Images

On the second day of the photocall (which was four days after the first one), Charles and his sons visit Glen Muick.

anwar hussein collection
Anwar Hussein - Getty Images

Here, they stand atop Muick Falls.

william and harry and charles
Tim Graham - Getty Images

Once again, the boys are in pants but Charles choses a kilt.

charles, william and harry at balmoral
Tim Graham - Getty Images

Harry and William smile for the camera. It wasn't the first time photos of the princes at Balmoral were released—they were snapped with their parents in 1987 while on vacation.

Read more: Photos of the Royal Family at Balmoral Castle

charles, william harry photocall in balmoral
Julian Parker - Getty Images

The brothers climbed on rocks in their loafers and khakis.

charles, william harry photocall in balmoral
Julian Parker - Getty Images

"Balmoral was its own micro-season, a two-week interlude in the Scottish Highlands to mark the turn from high summer to early autumn. Granny was there too. Naturally. She spent most of every summer at Balmoral. And Grandpa. And Willy. And Pa," Harry wrote in Spare.

harry holiday at balmoral
Tim Graham - Getty Images

Harry points something out to his brother.

charles, william harry photocall in balmoral
Julian Parker - Getty Images

Prince Charles wore a green sweater and kilt for their second photoshoot day.

charles at balmoral in kilt
Tim Graham - Getty Images

Charles points something out to his sons.

charles, william harry photocall in balmoral
Julian Parker - Getty Images

The pictures were taken just over two weeks before Princess Diana's death.

prince charles, prince of wales with his sons, prince willia
Tim Graham - Getty Images

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