Dating Diaries: Oloni shares her steamy LDR diary for a week

oloni dating diaries
Dating Diaries: Oloni explores long-distance loveJade Cooper-Collins

Welcome to Cosmopolitan UK’s Dating Diaries, where we pull back the curtain on the reality of romance. Sex educators, influencers and celebs invite us into their love lives to witness lust, love, sex, hookups and dating disasters. A lot can happen in a week! This time, dating guru Oloni tells us all about how she’s keeping things hot and heavy while her fiancé is half a world away for work, and she doesn’t hold back... * Takes notes *


Being in different time zones (him in the states and me in the UK) has its challenges, but my fiancé and I still spend quality time together. We fall asleep on FaceTime every night and I usually hang up first due to the time difference – 8am in London is 3am on the east coast. Somehow we make this work. Around lunch he’ll send a good morning text or a video of himself telling me about his plans for the day. He has an amazing smile, so half the time I’m not fully listening, just staring.

Today, he calls on his lunch break to chat about my podcast – Laid Bare. We bounce ideas off each other until he has to get back to it. Later in the evening I’m feeling sexy, so I send him some vudes - for the uninitiated, video nudes. I edit mine so they’re slowed right down and on a loop so he can watch them over and over. His response? Fire and sweat dripping emojis. Followed by him asking for more…


Today he’s working from home so we can be on the phone all day. Even when we’re just getting on with our work in our separate homes we can be on the phone for hours just being present with each other, not even talking. When we do speak we’re usually discussing our future plans, a hilarious meme, or reminding each other of some of our best moments together.

Like when he took me to Disney World and I was scared of every ride – even the slow ones for kids. He plays the recording of me screaming my head off while I bury my face in a pillow laughing. Conversation drifts to the amazing sex we had on that trip. When we get to spend time together I love recording our sex because it gives us a chance to watch it back and relive those hot memories.

collage of a phone, a hand, a male torso and a pink bed
Hearst Owned


Last night we fell asleep on the phone again but he’s been thoughtful and remembered to mute himself – I love my man, but my goodness he can snore! I hang up so he doesn’t have to listen to me edit my podcast, I don’t want to accidentally wake him up. I text him a sweet message so he has something nice to wake up to and when he does reply, it’s a video of him doing errands before he goes into work. “Hey babe, I hope you’re having a good day. If you’re not doing anything, I’d like to ask you out on a date. Do you want to watch Everything Everywhere All At Once later?”

Even though we’ve been engaged for six months and have been together for just over two years, he never stops asking me out on dates. I remember when he made this little invitation to ask me out and sent flowers, popcorn, pizza and a bottle of wine to my house. Sure, it’s not the same as dating in person but it’s a cute thing we do that makes us feel closer to each other and it makes all the difference.


We’ve been texting all day and sending each other voice notes. Later that evening, when we speak on the phone, I tell him I’ve been masturbating to some of our sex clips. He laughs and tells me I’ve been using the same toy for way too long and should mix it up. He’s not wrong – my suction toy and I go together like white on rice. He encourages me to try my wand and says he wants to watch. I love it when he watches me. Especially when he tells me what to do, how to touch myself or controls the tempo of the wand, talking me through every motion and stroke.

a person holding a cell phone against a city skyline
Hearst Owned


I wake up to a sweet message about how much he loved last night. I text him “good morning” and tell him exactly which parts I enjoyed the most. I’m in the gym and he video calls me, grinning. I start laughing because I know what he wants to say but obviously I’m in public and can’t indulge him right now. I tell him to text me his naughty thoughts instead.

We send voice notes throughout the day and try to decide who’s visiting who next. I hate travelling, so I much prefer it when he comes to the UK. We’ve created so many memories in London and it’s cute being able to show someone around my city – he’s the reason I’ve finally been on the London Eye! I love the restaurants we go to too, he picks the best ones and I love any excuse to dress up.


My fiancé and I became really good friends when I was 17, but it was always platonic. Today we’ve been reminiscing about when we were just mates.

“You always got in the bath with me in the background on Skype, you were definitely dropping hints.”

“No. I just needed a bath and wanted company. ”

He’s not entirely wrong. I think deep down I was always attracted to him, but he lived so far away, it was a pointless crush.

I’m going to a wedding today. I’m low-key making sure I go to every one I’m invited to because I need tips for our big day. From decor to food and music, I have to start taking notes! Before I head out I FaceTime so he can see my outfit. He showers me with sweet compliments and I blush, but cut the call short because I don’t want to be late.

When I get home my makeup still looks great so I take some pretty topless photos of myself and some more video nudes. I pick the ones I like and video call him just before I hit send. He wants to fill me in on his day, but I stop him and tell him to check his messages. One by one the steamy photos and videos come through. His facial reactions are the best – those looks of surprise and excitement – and of course, me being me, I take screenshots of him.

We’ve been together for nearly three years and I never get bored or tired of our conversations. Being in a long-distance relationship is not for the faint hearted. I admit, it can be difficult, but having a shared goal is what has kept us together.

It’s funny because as someone who is quite sexual I never thought I could be in this type of relationship, but I enjoy sending him links to videos of things I want him to do to me, or surprising him with nudes and naked video calls. My sexual side is still getting the attention it craves. In fact, I see all this as a form of foreplay.

I love the fact that even though we’re not in each other’s presence it hasn’t affected the romance. We still have our cute dates, or send each other surprises and gifts. I actually know people in long-distance relationships who have said it’s the best relationship they’ve been in, and obviously it helps when we share our experiences with each other – a sort of a LDR support group, if you will. My man has his next trip booked to London and I’m over the moon because obviously we have a wedding to plan but mainly, I can’t wait to just be in his arms again.

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