Dating And Mental Health Professionals, What Are The Biggest Red Flags People Should Look Out For In The First Six Months Of Dating?

Have you ever dated someone and totally fallen for them during the first few months of dating, only to realize they're not the person you thought they were?

A person stands talking in a kitchen with text: "A date is an experience you have with another person that makes you appreciate being alone."

Maybe they changed their mind about a touchy subject, lied, or gave you subtle hints about their personality that you chose to ignore. You might be asking yourself, what are the red flags we should be watching out for?

(We're all guilty of this, so truly, do not fret!)

Well, if you're a mental health or dating professional, in the comments below, please tell us the red flags people should be aware of during the first six months of a relationship.

Surprised woman with open mouth saying "Oh, no" in bold text, reacting with concern
NBC / Peacock

Maybe you noticed your new boyfriend makes subtle digs at your friends and wondered if that was just his personality.

Four women sit around a table looking bored or unamused, three seated, one standing, indoors

Or perhaps you went on two dates with someone and they're really, REALLY into you...maybe a little too into you? But your friends thought it was cute.

Woman with glasses and long hair sits at a table, smiling slightly. She is engaged in conversation with a person facing away. Indoor setting

Or maybe it's a red flag when you don't feel super comfortable having deep conversations with your girlfriend because you're afraid of how she'll react.

Woman looks at a man with a serious expression, saying "I JUST NEED A MINUTE" in bold text below

Whatever it is, if you're a couples therapist, mental health professional, or a relationship/dating expert, we want to know — What are the red flags people should look out for in the first six months of a relationship and why? And if you prefer to stay anonymous, feel free to fill out this Google form instead. The best responses will be included in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post or video.