Web developer wants help with national walking map

A man with a grey beard, and a blue walking jacket , stood in wooded area, with boat behind him , stranded on a mud bank
Slow Ways founder Dan Raven-Ellison is asking for volunteers to check the rest of the routes [BBC]

A web developer is seeking help from the public in the south west of England to verify routes on his national walking map.

Dan Raven-Ellison, from Exeter, set up his webpage and app to suggest safe, accessible ways for walkers to get from village to village, town to town, or even city to city across the UK.

He advocates a slow way of getting about to take in the scenery, to avoid roads and use the existing set of footpaths and cycleways.

Mr Raven-Ellison said: "About a third of all the routes across the region have been checked, but now we need people across the South West to help check the rest."

Screenshot of the a map showing walking routes spreading out in star like lines from Topsham in East Devon
Walking routes in and around Topsham [BBC]

Mr Raven-Ellison started working on the project during the pandemic.

There are hundreds of routes and not all of them have been double checked by walkers.

Mr Raven-Ellison said: "People have already gone out and checked and verified walking routes right from Exeter down to Truro."

Now he is after more volunteers from across the region to check the other routes to see agree whether or not they are good routes for others to use.

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