Donate through the Light of Hope to make the holidays brighter for many in Thurston County
If you are looking for a way to help those in need in Thurston County during the holiday season, you’ve found it.
The Olympian’s annual Light of Hope listing shines a light on the needs of South Sound residents who lack resources, and the nonprofit organizations that work with them.
Below you will find wish lists from local nonprofits and the people they help, and suggestions for how you can help meet those needs — including the specific needs of some of the agencies’ clients. So read on to learn how you can donate and make a difference for someone this holiday season.
South Sound Reading Foundation
The South Sound Reading Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in Lacey that serves the children and families of Thurston and Mason counties. It envisions communities where all children read well and enjoy reading, and where reading opens new opportunities. Primarily, it serves lower-income children and families and those considered Title 1 in schools. However, its mission is to bring the joy and promise of books and reading to all South Sound children.
What they need: Give the gift of literacy by donating new and gently-used children’s books. Board books, beginning readers and Spanish language books for all ages are the greatest needs at this time.
How to donate: Email, call 360-412-4411 ext. 35001 or visit for more information. Donations are accepted at 2830 Willamette Drive, Suite A, Lacey.
Senior Services for South Sound
Founded in 1973, Senior Services for South Sound has been dedicated to supporting seniors in the community for more than 50 years. Its mission is simple: Improving the quality of life for people as they age.
What they need: Gift cards to grocery stores are always the number one priority, so that the organizations can distribute these to seniors in need.
How to donate: Donations can be made online at or by check to Senior Services for South Sound, 222 Columbia St NW, Olympia, WA 98501. For more information, call 360-586-6181.
Poverty Exed Project
Poverty Exed Project is solely for the houseless community, providing food, clothing, tents, tarps, etc. It is a 501(c)3 charity recognized through the IRS. It runs a discount story called PEP-Tacular Discount Store at 304 Olympia Ave. NE in downtown Olympia.
What they need: Desk top computer, printer, ink, battery-operated neon open sign. Grocery carts. Tarps, tents, wagons. Large men’s coats and medium and large women’s coats. Boots. Jeans for men and women in all sizes. Socks and underwear. Clothes for babies and kids. Sleeping bags. Heat in a can. Flashlights and candles. Batteries. Blankets. Toys for preschoolers. Pots and pans. Canned heat. Canned foods. Propane stove. Outdoor water gear, rubber boots and gloves.
How to donate: To arrange to donate, email
Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging
The Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging (LMTAAA) connects vulnerable adults with information and social and health services that help them remain in their homes. They also support people who provide informal caregiving assistance to family members or friends. Most clients have very modest means combined with health conditions that limit their ability to care for themselves.
Every year, LMTAAA organizes the Light of Hope program, where financial donations fulfill client wishes that would otherwise go unmet. Donations will help bring joy this holiday season to Thurston County LMTAAA clients and help them purchase things such as food, assistive devices, winter clothes, shoes, pet supplies, household items, hobby materials, holiday meals, and gifts for grandchildren. Sometimes the unexpected gift of extra funds can make a huge impact on a person’s life and outlook.
How to donate: This year the agency will be doing things a little bit differently. LMTAAA will select clients from all our programs through a randomized draw. This is being done to acknowledge the need is great among all our clients. This will allow for each client to have a chance at getting a much-needed gift card. LMTAAA is purchasing gift cards so all the selected recipients will have the ability to buy the holiday wish items of their choice. All financial donations will be pooled and used to purchase gift cards of the same amount, meaning the more raised, the bigger the impact on participating client’s lives this holiday season.
Donations are tax-deductible and will be accepted through Tuesday, Dec. 2. All donations received after Dec. 2 will go towards helping clients manage unexpected personal expenses during the rest of the year.
For more information, or to donate via PayPal, credit, or debit card, visit Please send donations by mail to LMTAAA’s Olympia office at 2404 Heritage Ct SW Olympia, WA 98502, ATTN: Light of Hope. For check donations, please include Light of Hope in the memo.