Can Drinking Chlorophyll Water Really Get Rid of Acne?

Can Drinking Chlorophyll Water Get Rid of Acne
Can Drinking Chlorophyll Water Get Rid of Acne

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You don't need to keep up with wellness and beauty trends to know chlorophyll is all the rage.

The swamp water ingredient has become a staple in in countless skincare products and beauty supplements, and people swear it helps clear their skin. In fact, on TikTok, users upload videos documenting their skin transformations — and the before-and-afters are very impressive. Some claim that this naturally-derived substance clears up their acne in a week, or even as little as a few days.

The results are so startling that the hashtag "chlorophyll" has over 20 million views. One video, in particular, shows user @madibwebb's drastic two-month skin transformation from drinking chlorophyll water, and says she saw an improvement in her hormonal acne in just one week.

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Drinking your way to clear skin sounds almost too good to be true, so I checked in with Dr. Sheila Farhang, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Avant Dermatology & Aesthetics in Oro Valley, AZ to set the record straight on whether chlorophyll water can help treat acne and improve overall skin health.

The short answer? As a known anti-inflammatory that also has antioxidant antibacterial properties, chlorophyll could be beneficial for acne-prone skin, but studies have shown it effective when used in conjunction with in-office light therapy.

"With many things in health and diet, products full of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce skin issues that are inflammatory such as acne," says Dr. Farhang. "One thing that is great about chlorophyll versus just drinking orange juice (also an antioxidant) is that is essentially what is in leafy greens so ingesting it doesn't come with a price of high sugar, processing, etc."

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So, should you add a few drops of chlorophyll to your water everyday? Dr. Farhang says you shouldn't have a problem doing so once a day, but it's more beneficial to look at the bigger picture by eating a balanced diet and seeing a board-certified dermatologist when you're experiencing acne.

"Like anything, too much of a good thing can actually have potential side effects. If someone finds that it makes them feel good, energized, and happens to also help their acne, then great," Dr. Farhang adds. "But if someone if suffering from severe cystic acne, drinking more chlorophyll will most likely not help it and they should see a dermatologist."

The bottom line? While chlorophyll is relatively safe, like with any new supplement, it's always best to consult with your doctor before following medical advice from 60-second videos on social media.