Everything You Need to Know About the 7th House in Astrology

Welcome to the guest room, the casita, or, as millennials call it, the blow-up bed. Now, wherever you put the guest room (or blow-up bed) is entirely up to you and what’s feasible. The 7th House in your birth chart is all about close friends, partnerships, and lovers. But remember, it is still within your birth chart, so it’s all about how you relate to others.

ICYDK, your birth chart is divided into 12 sections called houses, and they're numbered 1 through 12. Each house rules over a different area of life. The 7th House is pretty cool because it marks the point where your birth chart becomes less about your inner world and more about how you navigate the world around you. In order to understand the 7th House, it’s best to look at the 1st House and then consider the energy that the 7th House adds. This is similar to how your home to is decorated based on your own ideas and preferences, and then your guests add to your home.

Pop quiz: If someone has learned to be orderly and has developed rules for guests to follow, do you think their 7th House is in whimsical Pisces or orderly Virgo? Chances are their 1st House is in Pisces and their 7th House is in Virgo. The rationale here is that Pisces Risings have learned to navigate the world with a sense of expansive tolerance and their friends end up helping them recognize which boundaries they need to install.

Meet the houses of your birth chart

Just joining us now? Catch up on the first six houses of your birth chart:

How do you find your 7th House?

Finding the 7th House in astrology is as easy as finding your 1st House or your Rising sign. Your Seventh house is directly across from your 1st House. You can’t miss it! The 1st House and the 7th House are on the same axis, which means they share the same line. So once you find your 1st House (or your Rising sign), all you need to do is look straight across to see the 7th House. If you want a more straightforward solution, the calculator below will help determine which sign your 7th House is in.

This birth chart calculator was created by www.astro-seek.com in collaboration with astrologer Narayana Montúfar. Learn more about Narayana's work on her website www.naramon.com.

What are the themes of the 7th House?

7th House themes relate to your close relationships and how they influence you. The 7th House is so fascinating when considering its juxtaposition with the 1st House. They both occupy space in your birth chart, yet they couldn’t be more different from each other.

Sometimes I wonder if that's a sign. You can be near your loved ones, but they are distinctly different. Your lover may fully understand you, but they can understand and disagree with your perspectives. Your best friends might share your hobbies and interests as you, but they differ in how they decide to express their fancies. For example, you may both love fashion, but they might be into streetwear and your style is more bohemian princess.

One way to consider the 7th House is as a co-collaborator with your 1st House. You have your own styles, interests, ideas, and dreams, represented by your 1st House. Your close relationships are like the fuel that powers your 7th House. This fuel provides the energy to influence you, just like the expression “birds of a feather flock together” suggests. Yes, you are your person. And yes, your close friends will eventually rub off on you.

The Signs You're Most Romantically Compatible With

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

The Signs You're Most Sexually Compatible WIth

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Think You're Not Compatible? You Might Be Wrong

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Which sign and planets are associated with the 7th House?

The zodiac associated with the 7th House is lovely Libra, and the planet associated with the 7th House is Venus. These are two very darling icons to be associated with! Considering that the 7th House is associated with Libra, the whole guest room metaphor makes even more sense. Libras are such givers, beyond a reasonable point. When you have a Libra on your side, you’re getting someone who will pick up the slack for those closest to them. If a group of friends wants to go on a trip to an amusement park but one friend can’t afford to, Libra is the type to convince everyone to chip in so everyone can afford to go.

Similarly, Venus’ inherent association with the 7th House speaks to how romantic and fun-loving the 7th House can be. Who do you cut loose with? Who do you enjoy days, weeks, and months with? Who do you confide your deepest dreams and desires to? People associated with the 7th House: Best friends, lovers, and partners.

What does it mean if you have planets in your 7th House in your birth chart?

If you have planets within your 7th House, then your close relationships, lovers, and partnerships play an even more major role your life than they do for most people. For example, if you have a collection of planets within your 1st house, which represents identity, your focus during your lifetime is going to be on personal development, understanding who you are as a person, and being able to translate who you are as a person in a way that feels affirming to you and others. When you have planets in the 7th House, you're focused on being able to give in relationships, developing meaningful relationships that teach you more about how to cherish others, and becoming able to better understand the people in your life.

When people have planets in the 7th House, that means that they are called to be selfless. Therefore, if you have planets in your 7th House and people accuse you of being selfish, that is likely a cosmic call for you to turn more attention to the parts of yourself that you need to develop.

What does it mean when planets transit your 7th House in your horoscope?

When you have planets moving through your 7th House, this means that you're focusing on developing relationships and becoming closer to others. Here's an example: Let’s say that Saturn, the planet of structure and responsibility, begins to transit in your 7th House. Saturn is a planet that can take one to two years to move through your 7th House. Over this time, you will be called to really make some difficult and challenging decisions as it pertains to your relationships.

Now, these decisions don’t have to be bad. In fact, one of these decision could be deciding to marry a lover who you feel closely tied to or move in with your best friend. However, you know once you do that, you’re going to be taking on a bunch of new responsibilities and difficult conversations about your finances, your shared goals, etc. The best part about planets transiting through the 7th House is that that is a transient time, which means that it’s here to teach you the lesson for a season as opposed to a lifetime.

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