What to expect from our new Queen Consort, Camilla

queen consort camilla
Who is our new Queen Consort?A portrait taken by Chris Jackson to mark Camilla's 73rd birthday in 2020. - Getty Images

This May, Camilla will officially be crowned as Queen Consort, a role and title she has held ever since the passing of Queen Elizabeth II in September of last year. In the past few months, we have witnessed her transformation from the Duchess of Cornwall to this new, more high-profile position, giving us a taste of what to expect from our new Queen Consort.

Her inaugural moments were, of course, marked by a period of national mourning. Here, she took on the immediate task of supporting her husband; accompanying him to each and every official event which took place, excelling in everything from tempering his frustrations (the now infamous 'pen gate') to intimate moments of condolence, spied through the windows of their car. Throughout it all, Camilla's preference for inhabiting a muted, calm presence in the background, was clear. It was in fact the new Princess of Wales who shone during these days, who met with the First Lady of Ukraine, who appeared to lead the female members of the royal family.

camilla queen consort
Chris Jackson - Getty Images

It is a far cry from the part that Camilla will play in May, where she, following Charles' six-part coronation, will take centre stage in her own coronation. She will be crowned with Queen Mary's Crown, with the controversial Koh-i-noor diamond removed, and several pieces from the late Queen Elizabeth II's personal jewellery collection, added. She will also be presented with a sceptre. Following this, she looks set to spend much of this year alone, while Charles undertakes many solo international engagements.

Since taking on her new role, Camilla has embarked on many solo engagements of her own, though always with the same un-showy, self-deprecating air. Her behaviour as Queen Consort thus far is very much in keeping with a woman who never once dreamed she would find herself in this position, not even after she first struck up a romantic entanglement with the future King.

After all, with her iconic Farrah Fawcett hair, a plummy ex-smoker's voice and an affair which made her the nation’s ‘Other Woman’ behind her, Camilla has not had the most traditional path to the throne. She has been openly mocked and vilified and yet, in recent years, quietly and often enthusiastically accepted – not least by the late Queen who, months before she died, declared it to be her “sincere wish” that Camilla be known as Queen Consort “as she continues her own loyal service”.

It is a role one imagines a young Camilla Shand would never have dreamed of – nor probably ever really wanted for herself. Much as the Queen, who was only in line for the throne once her uncle abdicated, initially dreamed of becoming a “farmer’s wife”, so Camilla also grew up with hopes for a laid-back rural life. She was born into undeniable privilege – her mother was the daughter of a baron and her father was a retired army officer who had made himself a sizeable fortune – but it was a far cry from the royal palaces and scrutiny which surrounded her now-husband, King Charles III.

the queen charles and camilla
Chris Jackson - Getty Images

Camilla was raised in what seems like a pastiche of the country set, setting her up to be a keen rider, and a lover of dogs, horticulture and gin and tonics. As a young woman in London, she was a member of Charles’ extended social set (cue nights at Annabel's and polo matches in Windsor) and worked as a receptionist, until she was allegedly fired for coming in late after a party. When she married the rakish army officer Andrew Parker Bowles (rumoured to be the inspiration for Jilly Cooper’s infamous Rupert Campbell-Black) she became a country wife, who famously did the weekly shop at Sainsbury’s. This all contributes to the image we have of Camilla as a down-to-earth woman, who is always up for a good time (though she has, apparently, quit the ciggies).

prince charles and camilla at polo
Charles and Camilla at a polo match in 1972Hulton Deutsch - Getty Images

Yet, of course, for many years, she was not a witty high-society darling with a penchant for dry gin and Labradors, but Public Enemy Number One: the woman blamed for the destruction of Charles and Diana’s marriage. During this time, she was eviscerated in the press, had her appearance mocked, her dress sense decried and her private life exploded, as her intimate letters and phone calls to Charles were exposed to the public. She was not afforded much understanding. She was instead, a punchline. Despite the rehabilitation of her 2005 marriage to Charles, and later dedication to public life as the Duchess of Cornwall, it is a scandal she will never quite outrun. Though her approval ratings have risen in recent years (53 per cent as opposed to 21 per cent now think she will make a good Queen Consort) there are many who will never forgive her.

hillsborough, northern ireland   september 13 king charles iii and camilla, queen consort receive a message of condolence by the speaker of the northern ireland assembly at hillsborough castle on september 13, 2022 in hillsborough, united kingdom king charles iii is visiting northern ireland for the first time since ascending to the throne following the death of his mother, queen elizabeth ii, who died at balmoral castle on september 8, 2022 photo by niall carson   wpa poolgetty images
WPA Pool - Getty Images

Yet Queen Consort is now where Camilla finds herself. So far, it has been a role, much like Duchess of Cornwall, which she has adapted to with stoic acceptance and her signature wit. She consistently makes jokes at her own expense – apologising to photographer Jamie Hawkesworth last year for “having to photograph this old bat” – and her famous affable eye rolls at her husband are now more under the spotlight than ever before. She makes light of her own role in this institution, yet she takes the work itself seriously. She has been a huge supporter and champion of women’s causes – from helping survivors of sexual and domestic abuse to shining a spotlight on osteoporosis, a health issue she fought for long before her royal marriage. As the Duchess of Cornwall, she also took on causes including animal welfare, homelessness and literacy, launching an online reading club and working as a patron of Silver Stories, which pairs young people with the elderly, to read to them and keep them company. One expects that her list of patronages and duties will only grow now.

queen consort camilla
Chris Jackson - Getty Images

Her greatest role is, however, as a balustrade for the new King. It’s a description that Camilla herself would find suitable, not reductive. She is, after all, only in this position – after years of public humiliation – because of him. Our new Queen Consort is still, ultimately, a woman who would rather be doing the weekly Sainsbury’s shop and probably wishes Charles was just another country boy she grew up with and not our new head of state. In this way, she might just be perfectly suited to a slowly shifting, more pragmatic monarchical era. Even now, we see her dry wit tempering his flashes of irritation, her eye rolls diffusing pomp and circumstance. She may soon be a Queen sitting next to the King on a throne in Westminster Abbey, but she is the woman who will undoubtedly be responsible for keeping him down to earth.

charles and camilla
Rob Jefferies - Getty Images

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