Faith | She felt judgmental until she saw God’s love in action

The only place to sit and wait for my appointment was next to “the preacher.”

That’s the nickname I gave this man the first couple of days of my week-long stay in the medical facility. However, sitting there put me at risk of having another discussion where we disagreed on theology.

I had talked with the preacher a few times and we were more united on our Christian beliefs than not, but at this moment I just wanted to be undisturbed. So, seeing vacant seats on either side of him, I chose one and quickly took out a book and started reading.

That’s when another recent acquaintance entered the waiting area.

She was a tall athletic woman—very striking—who seemed to complain about everything: The food. The bed. The schedule. Earlier she had told me she was a ballerina, and from someone else I learned that she had cancer.

The preacher had cancer, too.

As she crossed the room, making her way to the only seat left on the other side of the preacher, she whined about how terrible her last appointment was.

Plopping down, she continued her rant and said to the preacher, “Art,”—that was his real name—”why is everyone so happy here?”

Then she curled her legs up on the chair, started to weep a little, and tipped her head over so that it rested on his shoulder.

I could see him stiffen. I think I did too.

And no one moved.

After a moment or two, speaking so softly, yet confidently, Art voiced a beautiful prayer for this fatigued soul. Then just as tenderly, he sang to her a hymn of assurance that Jesus Christ offers rest to our burdens.

The Holy Spirit filled the room. Light. Peace. Love. It was all there.

And my heart was broken—splayed wide open. In my judgmental, self-absorbed, just-let-me-read-in-silence state, I could never have provided what Art did for this sweet sister of mine.

Silently, I said my own humble prayer asking for God’s mercy and forgiveness for judging them both.

In Matthew 7:1 (NIV) Jesus said, “Judge not, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged ... .”

It is human nature to judge—or in other words to make assessments of behaviors, words, cultural practices, etc. Our brains continually try to keep us alive, preserve our energy, and maintain our place in the community.

My brain was doing its job.

However, Jesus asks us to love (Mark 12:31), forgive (Matthew 18:21-22), and to follow his example of feeling compassion (Matthew 20:34) and then act out of that compassion.

A couple of months later, I waited in the hospital ER with my mom. During our wait I couldn’t help but notice a woman in a wheelchair who was weeping and fidgety and seemed quite distressed. By her appearance, and because she periodically talked to no one in particular, I guessed that she had some kind cognitive delay or mental illness.

I wanted to follow Jesus.

I breathed in slowly. Confidently. Said a silent prayer for God’s love and strength and approached this sweet woman.

Crouched down by her side I talked with her. I couldn’t make sense of most of what she said, but when I offered to pray for her, she said, “yes.” After praying, I quietly sang to her a hymn of a loving Jesus who claims us as his children offering rest to our souls.

And my once broken heart was mended by the soothing balm of God’s gift of charity.

Karri Stoker
Karri Stoker

Guest Spiritual Life writer Karri Stoker is a member of the Kennewick Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Questions and comments should be directed to editor Lucy Luginbill in care of the Tri-City Herald newsroom, 4253 W. 24th Avenue, Kennewick, WA 99338. Or email