Feeling Bloated? These Foods Help, According to Nutrition Experts

Feeling Bloated? These Foods Help, According to Nutrition Experts

When gas causes your stomach to feel, well, inflated—whether it’s that time of the month or you overindulged at dinner—the last thing you want to do is eat more. But, according to nutrition experts, not all snacks are created equal—there are foods that help with bloating, while others exacerbate the situation.

“Bloating can be caused by consuming foods that produce more gas than others, contain a high salt content, eating or drinking too quickly, or consuming carbonated drinks,” explains Marissa West, ACE-certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist and founder of West Kept Secret. “It can also be caused by a lactose intolerance, dairy aversion, or another health condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease.”

Depending on the cause of your bloat, certain foods can help you get relief by reducing inflammation, activating the release of digestive enzymes, or coaxing the bloat through your digestive tract with water and fiber. To avoid bloating in the first place, West recommends treading lightly with wheat, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, and beans, as they can cause excess gas. Cindy Kasindorf, certified nutritional health counselor and founder of Remedy Organics adds that inflammatory foods like fried foods, processed snacks, and sugar can also trigger bloat because they’re harder to digest.

While there is no magic pill for nixing that pesky bloated feeling, there are some foods that can help. Check out the below options and keep them at the ready for the next time discomfort strikes.


Haas avocados are high in fiber, water, and potassium. The latter two help your body maintain fluid, which keeps the digestive tract lubed up and moving. And fiber helps push the waste through, keeping you regular, West says.

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“Yogurt is packed with probiotics, which plays a key role in gut health and reduces bloating,” says West. The probiotics are healthy bacteria that help maintain a balanced gut microbiome—they also feed off of (and therefore help break down) prebiotic foods like asparagus, garlic, onions, and wheat.

greek yogurt in a glass jars with spoons,healthy breakfast with fresh greek yogurt, muesli and berries on background
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Ginger is an ancient remedy for stomach problems because it soothes inflammation in the gut, says Kasindorf. According to a 2018 systematic review published in Food Science & Nutrition, the root was found to relieve gas, fight acid reflux, reduce intestinal cramping, and prevent indigestion and bloating.

ginger root and powder


Cucumbers are high in potassium, per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and potassium is an electrolyte that lessens the effects of sodium, per the American Heart Association. As we know, super salty foods increase bloating risk, so nomming on some cucumbers after crushing a bag of chips may balance the scales.

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Melissa Prest, D.C.N., R.D.N., spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, says oats are a food that should alleviate bloating thanks to their stores of fiber—specifically, beta-glucan, which is an anti-inflammatory fiber that can give your puffiness a one-two punch.

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Celery is ultra-high in water and can boost your hydration levels with a satisfying crunch rather than a slog through a bottle of H20. With this and its fiber content, it can decrease bloating by maintaining healthy digestive movement. Celery also contains antioxidants that may help combat gut inflammation.



Bananas are a bloat-battling triple threat: They’re high in the electrolyte potassium, which makes them hydrating and sodium-combatting. They’re also a prebiotic, which provides food for your gut’s healthy bacteria. Lastly, they’re fibrous, which makes them great for digestion in general. In fact, research published in Anaerobe found that participating women who ate a banana before each meal ultimately felt less bloated than those who didn’t.

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Nialif Surong / EyeEm - Getty Images


Mint is a known herbal remedy for digestive discomfort, and Kasindorf says its soothing properties help reduce bloating. A 2019 meta-analysis found peppermint oil to be effective in relieving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including bloating.

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Fennel and its many forms (root veggie, leafy topping, crunchy seeds) have all been found to aid digestive health in some way. The seeds are a mainstay in herbal medicine to treat bloating and menstrual cramps, and the veggie itself is full of gut-loving fiber and water, which is why West recommends it as a bloating-friendly food.

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Brian Hagiwara - Getty Images

Apple cider vinegar

Kasindorf recommends apple cider vinegar for bloating because it contains probiotics that may “stimulate digestion and promote the breakdown of food.” You can use it in a homemade salad dressing or mix a tablespoon or two into a glass of water.

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Natalia Klenova / EyeEm - Getty Images


Grapefruit “contains enzymes that can aid in digestion and reduce inflammation in the gut,” says Kasindorf. Grapefruit seed extract, she adds, “has antimicrobial properties that can help to eliminate harmful bacteria in the gut that may contribute to bloating.”

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Yulia Naumenko - Getty Images


This root “contains an active compound called curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce inflammation in the gut,” therefore reducing bloating, says Kasindorf. A 2018 meta-analysis found it to have a small positive effect on IBS symptoms, which include bloating.

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Quinoa, recommended by Prest, is a gluten-free grain that can satisfy your carb craving without wreaking havoc on your stomach. It also contains antioxidants that could be anti-inflammatory to the gut.

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Elizaveta Antropova - Getty Images


Pineapple is mostly water, which is why it’s so refreshing on a hot day, and why West recommends it to combat bloat. Additionally, pineapples contain a natural digestive enzyme called bromelain, which aids in the breakdown of food in the GI tract.

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imran kadir photography - Getty Images


Lemon is alkalizing, meaning it can “help balance your body’s pH, stimulate digestive enzymes, and improve digestion,” says Kasindorf. A 2022 study published in the European Journal of Nutrition also found lemon juice to speed up gastric emptying when compared to tea and water.

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Should I eat if I’m bloated?

While you should listen to your body and hunger cues, there are foods that can help with bloating, as noted above. “If gas and bloating are a common occurrence for you, work with a registered dietitian to troubleshoot which foods cause the most symptoms,” recommends Prest. “We often start by eliminating foods that are high in FODMAPs (short-chain carbohydrates) for a period of time and then do a reintroduction phase to determine which foods are most troublesome for you.”

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