Filthy-Rich Women Who Work From Home Are Sharing What They Do For A Living, And It's Eye-Opening
Reddit user u/Spirited-Ambassador5 asked, "Women who work remotely and make six figures, what do you do? And what is your work-life balance like?" and it's super honest and transparent.
Here are the top-voted answers:
1."I’m an attorney, and I'll be honest. I have zero work-life balance and work 60–70 hours a week. The starting salary is about $215,000 right out of law school, and at my level, which is three years in, it’s $250,000. Most people leave large law firms in three to five years because it's not worth it to them. But a few people stick it out, and I guess for them it’s worth it. If you make partner at these firms, you can earn millions."
2."I'm a project manager in the healthcare industry and work remotely. I make about $110,000–$130,000 with bonuses. My work-life balance is now awesome. I usually take Friday afternoons off and work about six-ish hours each day. Sometimes it gets more hectic than that. When I was building my career, I had zero work-life balance. I worked full time while pursuing a PhD and raising a child. I have worked every major holiday more than once, and that was as a salaried employee (not hourly), so I didn’t make any more money. I rarely took any time off, but now I am just very good at what I do and do it faster and more efficiently than most."
3."I am an author and have been one for nearly 30 years. I'm mainly a horror author, but I also do sci-fi, fantasy, nonfiction (science, health, human sexuality, food, gardening, techie stuff), and kids and family. I am under retainer with several video game companies around the world as well. I love it! I spend most of my time with my family and enjoying hobbies! It's awesome."
4."I’m a glass artist 🌸. I was raised primarily by my grandmother, who was also a glass artist. I’ve made six figures consistently for the past eight years."
5."Higher education management. I go to the office when I feel like it and stay home when I feel like it. I make around $130,000 and work standard full-time office hours, so my work-life balance is really good."
6."I’m an aerospace engineer. I went hybrid back in 2016 and then mostly remote in 2020 after getting promoted. The trade-off with this position being mostly remote is that I have to travel more, when I used to hardly ever travel for work. I personally don’t mind that part too much. My work-life balance is pretty good. I’m usually done with work by 6 p.m. at the latest. My last kiddo is leaving for college this month, so I don’t have any children I have to tend to."
7."I do content design and training at a software company and make over $200,000. I've been working remotely for about 11 years now, way before it became necessary in the pandemic. My work-life balance is good. It's always helped me to stick to a strict 'work schedule.' I work the typical 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., but it's pretty flexible. I can drop my son off at school, go to appointments, etc., as long as my work is done and projects are completed on time. The biggest WFH rule I always stuck to was having a home office. When I'm in my office, I'm working; when I'm done working, my office is unoccupied and closed."
8."I work in cybersecurity, and it’s great. Lots of extra time during work, and always off on time. No late nights or weekend work."
9."I work as a UX designer, fully remote, and make $200,000. It was supposed to be hybrid two days a week in the office, but then I just didn’t go in, and no one has really said anything about it. That job is really only one to two days of actual work a week, but I run contract work around it, so my work-life balance is tipped. I do get to walk my puppy a lot, though."
10."I'm an adult-content creator, and I’d say I have a pretty decent work-life balance! Before this, I worked in accounting for 11 years, did not make near six figures, and while I had great work-life balance, was absolutely miserable."
11."I'm a paralegal for the federal government making $119,000 a year. I have great work balance, working 40 hours a week with no commute."
And finally...
12."I’m a healthcare recruiter. I interview people all day long. It's fully remote, and work-life balance is good because I control my schedule. Compensation is a base salary plus quarterly bonuses based on placements. The bonus is really where I make my money. For example, my Q2 bonus was decent but not great, and it was $50,000. As my pipeline sits today, I’ll probably take home around $300,000 this year. It’s a great gig if you’ve got the personality for it."
Now it's your turn! Do you make six figures and work from home? Comment below!
Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.