Five yoga asanas to get rid of period pain
Yoga can be very beneficial in coping with menopause and its symptoms. The yoga exercises will help you get relief from your symptoms such as mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, lack of sleep, dry skin, and so much more. Most of the poses also focus more on your back and helps your whole body to relax and not feel its effects like stress.
Keep reading the five yoga poses to get better know-how and reduce the discomfort of period cramps you undergo.
Forward-fold pose
The forward fold pose has been used for the relief of premenstrual tension and pain by women. It has also been used to relax and heal a variety of other conditions. This posture works well when combined with meditation, imagery or even simple yoga poses. Since the pelvis is stretched out, it helps to increase flexibility and mobility of the spine.
It gives the uterus a more prominent outlet for hormonal and digestive secretions. The pelvis and uterus are also given a new, wider shape when a person's pelvic floor muscles become more assertive.
Moreover, strengthening the abdominal muscles will help relieve tension in the pelvic floor and improve the quality of life for many women during their pregnancy and postpartum.
Child’s Pose
Child’s pose is a relaxed posture, and proper breathing is beneficial in relieving cramps. This pose is useful if you are pregnant as it helps to ease muscle tension.
The benefits of the child pose include a feeling of well-being and relaxation and the ability to relieve stress. If you feel that your abdominal muscles are tightening, then you will probably be able to use this pose to relax your uterus floor.
It can also help relieve the symptoms of your pregnancy and relieve stress and menstrual cramps. The best way to practice this pose is to stand on your head with your hands placed comfortably on your forehead. Then bend your knees and raise your hips off the ground a bit.
Resting-corpse pose
Resting corpse pose, also known as Shav Asana, helps relieve menstrual cramps. It encourages slow stretching of the uterus and relaxes abdominal muscles.
The breathing and relaxing techniques are easy and straightforward and can be mastered within a few weeks of learning the pose. This enables the smooth release of menses by relaxing both the uterus and the bladder. The hips are also allowed to drop slowly into the stretch while the mind remains calm and serene.
This pose is beneficial for the relief of cramps, especially if the cramps come at night after a long period of rest.
Reclining Twist Pose
Reclining twists can help release the stresses you have been carrying around in your uterus all year long. These poses can be practised every day to help your whole body to become more balanced and healthy.
If you are experiencing a lot of cramping, you might want to practice these poses daily so that you can maintain a healthier body from the inside out.
To perform the Reclining Twist Pose, begin in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Press your knees against your hips as you rotate your torso ninety degrees. Bring your shoulders up toward your ears and then contract your lower abdomen as you breathe in.
It will also help increase the flow of your urine and blood and relieve the pressure on your reproductive organs.
The camel pose
The camel pose is extremely useful in relieving tension in the lower abdomen, pelvic area, and back. This pose eases the menstrual cramps while facilitating better blood flow and curing menstrual cramp. Moreover, the same facilitates deep breathing and facilitates mental relaxation, which aids in reducing the pain.
You have to lie on your side with your knees bent, and a flat bench placed below your chest in this pose. Then you simply bring your feet up to your chest and clasp your hands together as if you are about to pray.
Yoga can be done by anyone, regardless of how advanced or how much experience they have. It can also be used to improve your overall -being while helping you get relief from menopause faster.