Formerly Devout People Who Left Their Faith, Tell Us What The Turning Point Was That Made You Rethink Your Religion

As we all know, religion is a very sensitive topic. Whether you were raised in a religious household or came to be religious later in life, there are many complex emotions involved in someone's spiritual journey.

Six individuals hold hands around an open Bible on a wooden table
Jacob Wackerhausen via Getty Images

However, no matter how devout a person is, there can sometimes be a single turning point when one realizes they can no longer be a part of the faith they used to be so devoted to.

A person in prayer, holding prayer beads, with a prayer rug in front of them. The person is wearing a light-colored shirt and has their hands raised
Constantine Johnny via Getty Images

Maybe you went through a difficult or traumatic experience, only for a religious leader to tell you it was because of your own "sin"?

An elderly man with gray hair and beard reads a book while standing in a wooden confessional booth, appearing contemplative
D-Keine via Getty Images

Maybe a scandal or illegal activities came to light that caused you to question the entire meaning of your faith?

A woman wearing a hijab sits on a couch with her eyes closed and hands on her temples, looking distressed
Jasmin Merdan / Getty Images

Maybe you were grieving a loved one or a fellow worshipper who suffered through an extended illness or even died suddenly, only to be told it was part of a larger "plan"?

A man wearing a kippah sits on a bench in a cemetery, facing away, looking at gravestones. The cemetery has many old tombstones and blooming daffodils
coldsnowstorm via Getty Images

Or perhaps your place of worship became too political, and you suddenly realized that their ideals didn't align with the actual values of your religion, causing you to rethink it all?

American flag cross pin on denim jacket
Hleb Usovich / Getty Images

Although this may seem very personal, an open and honest conversation about one's decision to leave their religion can be very informative and help others who are wrestling with their own struggles feel seen.

A person with long hair is clasping their hands together close to their face with eyes closed, looking pensive against a dark background
ImagineGolf via Getty Images

No matter how you decided to leave your faith, we want to hear your story! Which is why I'm asking formerly devout people: What was the turning point in your decision to leave your religion? Tell us in the comments below (or if you would prefer to stay anonymous, use this Google Form). Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.