Fun (And Safe!) New Year's Eve Ideas To Finally Say Goodbye To 2020
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Fun (And Safe!) New Year's Eve Ideas To Finally Say Goodbye To 2020
Although 2020 is coming to a close, it's more important than ever to continue being vigilant about COVID-19 safety practices like social distancing, wearing face masks, and limiting person to person contact as much as possible. The Centers for Disease Control recently announced their official holiday guidelines, with the main theme being that individuals should limit their gatherings to include direct households only in order to lower the risk of COVID-19 spread. That means your New Year's Eve plans should include staying at home. But that doesn't mean your New Year's Eve plans have to be boring! There are so many fun and creative ways to mark the end of 2020 at home. Enjoy some of these new traditions.
DjordjeDjurdjevic - Getty Images
Good riddance, 2020!!!! 👋