Gemini August 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions

Daniel Egneus

Read your sign's 2024 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Gemini personality profile.

Happy August, Gemini. During July, the ornery planet Mars moved into your sign, which very well could have indicated super hot sex. However, this month sees you reconsider where to put your emotional energy, particularly as it relates to relationships. Plus, your ruling planet, trickster Mercury, embarks on one of its backward dances.

There's a lot going on on Sunday, August 4. The first thing worth mentioning is that aforementioned Mercury retrograde. While it's nothing to stress over, just know that this indicates the usual communication mishaps, travel delays, and technology hiccups. Also on Sunday, August 4, there's a new moon (the lunation associated with fresh starts) in your 3rd House of Communication. To make the next few weeks easier for yourself, make a promise that you're going to be honest with those around you–gently, of course. Any white lies around this time, especially about your feelings for someone, will come back to bite you. Also, on Sunday, August 4, loving Venus moves into your 4th House of Family, indicating that some friendships or romantic partnerships will start to feel like home. However, be aware that this could also make it even more depressing if you feel only so-so about someone you're dating or hanging out with.

This theme continues when Juno, the asteroid of commitment, moves into relationship-oriented Libra on Friday, August 9. With Juno in your pleasurable 5th House, this could mean that if you're really into someone, you're ready to take the relationship to the next step. However, it could also become glaringly obvious that you're ready to part ways if you're either lukewarm or outright faking something. It just gets a little tricky because shortly after, on Wednesday, August 14, Mercury retrograde moves into your 3rd House of Communication, meaning that you're going to have to work extra hard to be clear and honest. Push back against temptations to coast.

However, don't fear if you're confused about a situation. The sky lights up on Monday, August 19, with an Aquarius full moon, a time of culmination in your philosophical 9th House. While you'll want to take it easy and practice self-care, as this can be stressful, prepare for lightning strikes of clarity regarding any relationships you're unsure of.

When the sun enters Virgo, kicking off practical Virgo season on Thursday, August 22, your schedule might get a little busy, so make sure to block off time for rest. The concept of home and family continues to be a theme for you. While, yes, some Geminis may realize that they want to let go of lukewarm friendships during this time, others will realize that they want to put a ring on it or define the relationship. And, if you're not dating, know that this applies to family, both chosen and blood relatives. As long as you snip away that which no longer serves you, you'll feel super loved and cozy over the next few weeks.

As the social butterfly of the zodiac, you tend to spread yourself too thin.

July is all about rethinking what makes you feel secure. Ceres, the asteroid of nurturance, ends its retrograde and goes direct in strict Capricorn and your transformative 8th House, starting on Monday, August 26, asking you to take a necessary but gentle look at how you self-soothe. Are you taking enough downtime? As the social butterfly of the zodiac, you tend to spread yourself too thin; this transit demands that you be a little bit selfish.

Asserting your boundaries is easier when Mercury ends its backward dance and goes direct in your 3rd House of Communication on Wednesday, August 28. This occurs just in time for Venus to move into your feel-good 5th House on Thursday, August 29. In your heart, only you know if it's time to leave relationships to make room for new ones or to deepen current commitments, but once you make a call, the love and joy in your life is going to explode. We'll see you in September.

Important dates in August 2024:

Sunday, August 4: Venus enters Virgo
Sunday, August 4: Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo
Sunday, August 4: New moon in Leo
Friday, August 9: Juno enters Libra
Wednesday, August 14: Mercury retrograde enters Leo
Monday, August 19: Full moon in Aquarius
Thursday, August 22: Sun enters Virgo 
Saturday, August 24: Vesta enters Virgo
Monday, August 26: Mercury goes direct in Leo
Thursday, August 29: Venus enters Libra

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of August 2024 horoscopes.

Originally Appeared on Allure

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