Gemini December 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions

Daniel Egneus

Read your sign's 2024 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Gemini personality profile.

Welcome to December, Gemini. Last month, the transformative planet Pluto settled into Aquarius, where it will stay for the next two decades. This month, change arrives during a new moon, and the assertive planet Mars goes retrograde. That begins rather early in the month, on Friday, December 6, in your third House of Communication.

Mars is a warrior planet that rules sexuality and assertiveness. When it's retrograde, you may notice changes in your libido. However, as it's retrograding in your third House, you'll probably notice that you have absolutely no desire to fight. Embrace this! Allow this backward dance, which lasts between now and February, to help you tap into your calm and empathetic side. Also on Friday, December 6, the lover planet Venus enters your philosophical ninth House. Adding to the effects of Mars retrograde, this just shows that it's a time for enjoying deep conversations with your partners and friends rather than passionate bickering.

The next day, on Saturday, December 7, Ceres, the asteroid of nurturance, also moves into your ninth House of Philosophy. Through such conversations, you'll find yourself growing closer with someone. So, rather than fret about Mars retrograde affecting your libido, know that it's an opportunity to develop a relationship.

Also on Saturday, December 7, the dreamy planet Neptune ends its retrograde and goes direct in your 10th House of Social Status. When it does, you should gain clarity on professional goals and hobbies. If there's a creative project you've been mulling over, you may feel called to start it. December has a brooding vibe. This energy is actually lovely for all things artistic.

The sky lights up with a full moon in your sign, Gemini, on Sunday, December 15. Full moons are the lunation associated with manifestation. When one happens in your sign, you may get news that you've been waiting for. This is compounded by the fact that also on Sunday, December 15, your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, ends its retrograde and goes direct. Just be aware that at times full moons can leave you feeling a little burnt out, so you'll want to double down on the self-care this day. Browse our Best of Beauty skin-care winners for products that will help you pamper yourself.

Geminis often need change to feel like themselves.

The sun enters Capricorn on the winter solstice on Saturday, December 21. This marks the shortest day of the year. It's also Yule, which you can think of as a witchy Christmas. For the next few weeks, the sun is in your transformative eighth House. It's a lovely time for treating yourself to a makeover. Geminis often need change to feel like themselves. You don't have to do anything drastic, just allow yourself to experiment with your look, even if it's as easy as doing your gels at home.

When Chiron, the wounded healer, goes direct in Aries and your 11th House of Friendship on Sunday, December 29, the stars bring healing to your friendships. It helps that Mercury is direct, but if you've had any ongoing strife that should resolve now. This will happen more easily if you remember the lessons of Mars retrograde and bring patience to your friendships.

Finally, on Monday, December 30, the month wraps up with a Capricorn new moon that takes place in your transformative eighth House. While full moons are times of manifestation, new moons represent fresh starts. The New Year is a time when everyone thinks about resolutions and changes they wish to manifest in their lives. This is abundantly true for you. Use this new moon to meditate on your goals for the new year and plan to make them a reality. We'll see you in January.

Important dates in December 2024:

Friday, December 6: Mars goes retrograde in Leo
Friday, December 6: Venus enters Aquarius
Saturday, December 7: Mars goes retrograde in Leo
Saturday, December 7: Neptune goes direct in Pisces
Sunday, December 15: Full moon in Gemini 
Sunday, December 15: Mercury goes direct
Saturday, December 21: Sun enters Capricorn
Sunday, December 29: Chiron goes direct
Monday, December 30: New moon in Capricorn

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of December 2024 horoscopes.

Originally Appeared on Allure

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