People In Their 20s And Younger — I Wanna Know All About The Lifestyle That You Live, No Matter The Circumstances
Hello, my fellow Gen Z'ers (and curious millennials and beyond)! I'm Dannica, I'm 26, and whenever I see what my peers are up to via social media, I'm literally so fascinated and mind-blown by how different our lives are. Like, what do you mean you're traveling to your ninth country of the year?! What do you mean you bought a house with your soulmate that you met at a rave?! What do you mean you're starting a family at 24?!
My mom actually had me when she was 22, and, to this day, I cannot fathom how she did that.
My point is that, despite being in the same age group, people can be in completely different circumstances and living completely different lifestyles, so you never really know what someone is going through. Additionally, I love watching "Day in the Life" videos and seeing what everyone's routines are, so that led to me wanting to try a little experiment — and it involves your participation.
One major example that sums up the many faces of life is that when my best friend FaceTimed me to tell me she got proposed to, I was in a Taco Bell parking lot drinking a rum and coke (single and lonely, mind you).
So, if you're Gen Z and have an interesting job, are in school, are going through a major life event, or even if you're just trying to figure everything out, I wanna know what your daily life/routine looks like. My goal is to highlight a handful of people and showcase the different lifestyles they're living, not only for other Gen Z'ers to see but for all other age groups as well. I'm hoping that in doing so, it will help ease the pressures of thinking that you have to be at a certain point in life by a certain age. Also, I personally just think it's beneficial (and super cool) to learn about different perspectives.
Don't worry; I won't need to know anything super specific like your address or your phone number — I'm just asking you to share some of the main things you do on a daily basis, how specific circumstances or life events may be affecting how you want to live your life, and even how you feel about your money situation at this point in your adulthood.
Now, I'm not asking you to lay it all in the comment section for the whole world to see. If you're interested in potentially being featured in this upcoming project, you're totally free to utilize the comment section, but I would love if you could could fill out this form. If you use the form, no one else is able to see your response but me! In addition to telling me a little about yourself, I also ask that you please leave an email address so that I can contact you directly for more specific information.
Thank you all for considering! I know it can be a little intimidating to share stuff with the people of The Internet, but just remember that your experience could be the one that helps another reader realize: "You know what? I'm OK right where I am." To reiterate, if you're seriously interested, please fill out this form. Thanks again, y'all!
And if you're not Gen Z but somehow find yourself reading this, please send this to a Gen Z'er you know and love!