Up your golf game with the brand new high-tech GC3S bundle from Foresight Sports

As technology advances in the digital age, so do the number of cool and useful products and tools that are available to us. Whether you’re a professional, a serious golfer, or an amateur, the advent of launch monitors and laser rangefinders helps you practice your swing and fine-tune your technique. The brand new high-tech GC3S bundle from Foresight Sports provides an even more personalized experience by delivering club recommendations, individualized “Play As” distances, and more. Let’s take a look at what this new bundle has to offer. 

The new GC3S bundle

GC3S bundle from Foresight Sports golf
Foresight Sports GC3S Bundle / Foresight Sports

Foresight Sports launched the GC3S and LINK-Enabled Technology bundle, which pairs your launch monitor data with a laser rangefinder. Foresight Sports specializes in golf performance analysis and offers quality launch monitors and golf simulators to help boost your performance. This brand-new bundle was designed in collaboration with Bushnell Golf — an industry leader in golf GPS and laser rangefinders. 

The Foresight Sports GC3S bundle, including the Bushnell laser rangefinder, is now available for $3,799 MSRP, which includes the first year of your Foresight Sports software subscription and one year of access to GSPro.

A highly personalized experience

man playing golf swinging club
AH360 / Pexels

This high-tech subscription-based golf launch monitor measures and analyzes your data related to the movement of the ball after you hit the ball with the club. The launch monitor records important information, such as your ball speed, spin rate, launch angle, and carry distance. It’s like your personal swing analyst or expert there to give you detailed insights into your performance so you can continue to up your game. It also provides personalized “Play As” distances and specific club recommendations, like having a team of experts on hand. The LINK-Enabled Technology is a first-of-its-kind course management platform. You’ll get useful info based on your actual ball flight profile and current course conditions. 

Gone are the days of using sprinklers; now, golfers can use laser rangefinders — devices that use a laser beam to determine the distance between the rangefinder and the hole, and more. In this brand-new bundle, you’ll get a high-quality laser rangefinder for a highly personalized experience. 

Get real-time feedback

GC3S Bundle from Foresight Sports
Foresight Sports GC3S Bundle / Foresight Sports

The LINK-Enabled technology and intuitive mobile app integration allow your GC3S to give you expert feedback on the course in real-time. You can use these insights to refine your game. When you’re indoors, you’ll also have access to an immersive golf simulation.

Concluding thoughts

man holding golf ball in hand
Jopwell / Pexels

The Bushnell Golf Pro X3 + LINK rangefinder is powerful and precise, which makes this bundle pretty impressive overall. While it is an investment, a major benefit is that you can use this bundle indoors or outdoors. It’s a versatile tool for professionals and also for amateur golfers who don’t have frequent access to caddies and experts providing course management advice.

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