A Good Knife Is A Kitchen Tool Worth Splurging On (And Here's Why)

Person using a knife to cut a bell pepper
Person using a knife to cut a bell pepper - Prostock-studio/Shutterstock

If you are in the market for a new kitchen knife, there are a few factors to consider before making a decision. A good knife is one of the most valuable tools at a chef's disposal in the kitchen. No matter what food you are chopping, slicing, or cutting up, an excellent blade makes a world of difference. The quality of your kitchen knife should be a top priority to maintain safety and efficiency while cooking.

Kitchen knives come in a wide range of price options. At the same store, you may find a budget option for under $20, a set of celebrity chef-branded knives for $50, and a singular chef's knife that will cost hundreds. It may be tempting to make your purchase based on price, opting for a cheaper set with more knives rather than a more expensive singular option or smaller collection. In the long run, the budget version is usually made of a lesser quality steel that wears down quicker with each use, which can lead to injuries while cooking. A solid knife made of high-quality steel holds its shape and sharpness for a longer period of time, giving you a safer, better cutting experience every time you reach for it.

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When It Comes To Utensils, Sharper Is Safer

Person sharpening a knife
Person sharpening a knife - Invizbk/Getty Images

It may sound counterintuitive, but chopping with dull knives is actually more dangerous for you. Using a dull knife requires more force while cutting, which can cause the knife to slip or land incorrectly and ultimately lead to major injuries in the kitchen. When using proper slicing techniques, a sharp knife is much safer. It will also reduce the amount of time you are using it because you will be spending less time trying to cut into whatever food you are attempting to slice.

Not all knives serve the same purpose. In addition to its sharpness, you should also consider what style you want hanging out in your kitchen. Serrated knives are great for cutting breads and rough surfaces, but it won't do well against meats and fruits. A paring knife may achieve your desired sharpness, but its small blade may not serve you well when preparing large quantities of food. If there was one knife to absolutely invest in, we recommend splurging on a high-quality chef's knife made of stainless steel, titanium, or carbon steel depending on how frequently you use it and how often you want to sharpen it.

The Type Of Steel That Your Knife Is Made Out Of Makes A Difference

Washing a kitchen knife
Washing a kitchen knife - Olya Detry/Shutterstock

If you are hoping to master kitchen knife hacks that will cut down on your prep time and up your presentation game, you first need to acquire a quality knife made of a strong material that can achieve your desired sharpness and hold its shape for a long period of time. Many of the less expensive kitchen knife options on the market are made of stainless steel. This type of metal is resistant to rust, however, it is less sharp than other steel options. Titanium knives are a good alternative for beginner chefs since it won't rust easily, although the soft metal becomes dull rather quickly after use.

Carbon steel knives are a favorite among more experienced chefs because of its sharpness and precision due to the harder metal material, however, it is rather sensitive to its environment. Carbon knives are prone to rust and can easily break if not stored properly. Carbon knives are also among the most expensive knives, so it may not be ideal depending on your budget. Once you know exactly what style of knife you want, how sharp of a knife you can handle, and how well you can maintain the type of steel, you are ready to invest in this essential kitchen tool.

Read the original article on The Daily Meal.