Good Vibes Only: 4 Ways to Ward Off Bad Energy in Your Home

Photo: Westend61/Getty Images

We all want a home that feels comforting for us, and warm and welcoming to others. Sure, hosting is a huge part of that, but sometimes you walk into a space and it just feels right—or, on the contrary, the bad energy is suffocating. Good vibes can be hard to conjure, but you know it when you feel it. It can also be difficult to know exactly what to do in order to bring them into your space.

<cite class="credit">Photo: Westend61/Werner Dieterich/Getty Images</cite>
Photo: Westend61/Werner Dieterich/Getty Images

We consulted with a variety of professional healers, hoodoo practitioners, and herbalists to learn how to rid your space of bad energy and bring in the good. They also helped us define what good energy can mean. “Oftentimes, if a home feels light, inviting, and welcoming, I know that the space has good energy,” explains Shantrelle P. Lewis of Beaucoup Hoodoo. “If you have good dreams when you sleep at night, the urge to sing or laugh, I’d say that the energy is good. If you have thriving plants or happy pets, these are all typical indicators that a home has good energy.”

Saskia Katherine, a multimodal guide, echoes this sentiment. “Good energy is energy that is in balance and flow and supports our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. The impact of good energy in a home is a sense of connectedness, wholeness, peace, joy.” If your home could use a little bit more peace and joy, read on for these pro tips.

Set yourself up for success when you move out

We often think about creating good vibes and bringing cleansing energy into a new space, but saying goodbye to your previous space is important as well. “Before moving from one place to another, you should leave a few pennies or coins in the space you are leaving and thank the home for serving as your shelter,” Shantrelle says. Moving isn’t just about organizing for your new place and planning for the future, it’s an opportunity for self-reflection and intention-setting.

Deep clean the energy

<h1 class="title">Woman burning sage smudge to cleanse the house</h1><cite class="credit">Photo: Rawpixel/Getty Images</cite>

Woman burning sage smudge to cleanse the house

Photo: Rawpixel/Getty Images

When you do get into your new home or want to refresh your current space, smudging, a practice with roots in Indigenous American cultures, helps to energetically cleanse your space. Traditionally the practice is done with white sage, but there are many other options for your space that may be a better fit ecologically and culturally. “Due to sustainability issues and irresponsible harvesting of sacred indigenous plants, I believe the fragrant plants that grow abundantly in your local area can be crafted into beautiful smudge bundles to cleanse your energy and your home. Pine, lavender, rosemary, any of the mints or basils—the most important element is your intention while cleansing,” says Selima Harleston Lust, a clinical herbalist and cofounder of Iwilla Remedy.

If you feel like your space really needs an extra boost or you’re moving into a space that feels a little, well, haunted, you may want to add an extra ritual to your smudging routine. “If the house is really old, to be on the safe side, you should then lightly hit the walls with bunches of what we call lucky leaves or flowerless rhododendrons. Bunches of eucalyptus also work as a great substitute. This clears the space of any negative energy or ill-intentioned spirits that may be lingering,” adds Shantrelle. “Then walk through with white flowers and a bowl of cool water that has sweet-smelling essential oils added, such as jasmine, bergamot, rosemary, and lemon or old school Murray and Lanman’s Florida Water. Go through each room sprinkling the sweat bath mixture with the flowers repeating words aloud that you want to invite into the space.”

Consider the flow of your furniture

If smudging rituals aren’t your thing or you want to use every tool in the good-vibes toolbox, feng shui is a practical and functional approach to crafting positive energy in your home. By considering the flow of chi (positive energy) in a space, you are not just helping your home feel better energetically, you’re also crafting a thoughtful (and oftentimes intuitive) layout.

<h1 class="title">Front entry foyer of a cozy home with wood tones decor</h1><cite class="credit">Photo: Anita\_Bonita/Getty Images</cite>

Front entry foyer of a cozy home with wood tones decor

Photo: Anita\_Bonita/Getty Images

The entrance to the home is considered incredibly important in feng shui. It is a good practice to keep the space clean but also inviting and interesting. If the front door opens into another space, it is important to delineate it and if it faces a window or door you may want to block it so the chi doesn’t have a chance to escape before working through the home. Adding in symbols of wealth and prosperity and maintaining the curb appeal of the front door will also help usher in good energy.

Feng shui can be applied throughout the home, with different recommendations for different rooms. If there’s a certain space in particular that needs some help, seek out specific guidance for that space.

Thank those who came before you

<cite class="credit">Photo: Kondoros Eva Katalin/Getty Images</cite>
Photo: Kondoros Eva Katalin/Getty Images

In many cultures, setting up an altar to honor one’s ancestors is a common home practice. Whether religious, spiritual, or cultural, having a space to give thanks to those who paved the way for you can foster good energy in the home. “One sacred space that I tend daily is my ancestor altar. Placed in a corner of my kitchen, it consists of photos of my deceased relatives, some of their favorite foods, a tall white candle, a glass of their favorite drink of choice, a cup of coffee, a cigar (Grandpa Charles liked his cigars!), and a vase of pretty flowers,” Shantrelle says. “Most cultures around the world honor their ancestors in a similar fashion with images of their loved ones, offerings of food or fruit, incense and flowers.”

How you set up your altar is up to you, whether it’s a shrine in a corner or something small on top of your dresser, setting aside a space to commune with your ancestors can connect you energetically to your family. But it’s not the only way. “At the end, everything in our home goes back to the same question: What does love look like?” Fernando Kabigting told AD earlier this year. Heirloom pieces and culturally important artifacts can serve as a connection to family and heritage while blending in with your decor.

Originally Appeared on Architectural Digest