Great Mom Debate: Is it Rude to Leave Your Child's Concert After Their Part is Done?

'Tis the season to be jolly! 'Tis also the season to hear your kid sing this song over and over and over again in preparation for the inevitable winter holiday choir concert. In theory the idea of watching be-robed tots fill the air with their angelic voices sounds delightful. In practice it's about as close the boy Vienna Boys Choir as Kris Humphries was to being a Kardashian. Which is to say that if you squint you probably won't notice anything amiss, until they open their mouths.

Everything about an elementary school concert is unpredictable from the time it's scheduled (4:48 p.m.?) to the number of chairs in the lunchroom/stage to the performance itself. There are songs, dance numbers (often impromptu), waves to mom and dad, recorder solos, yells to mom and dad, and recitations.

Yet all of the hoopla is worth it when you see your shiny faced first grader belting out "Jeremiah was a bull frog" and waving his hand-made Santa hat. (Note: I love that version of "Joy to the World" as much as anyone but have you heard the lyrics lately? Maybe not elementary appropriate.) It's cute. Unbelievably so. Just thinking about it makes my mommy heart all squishy. (So thank you teachers for ignoring all of us grouchy parents and doing the concerts anyhow.) This is where the problem starts however. Sure, watching/taping/waving back to your own kid is awesome but everyone else's kids? Eh, they're okay. And apparently lots of other parents feel the same as there is a consistent exodus of adults sneaking out once their kid's part is done.

For my family and I, we stay planted in our seats even if we're not contractually obligated to enjoy the neighborhood bully's rendition of "All I Want For Christmas Are Your Two Front Teeth." I've always thought it was rude to stand up and leave in the middle of a performance regardless of the age or ability of the ones on stage. But a recent discussion on a mommy friend's Facebook page made me think that maybe I'm wrong. Not only were many people vocal about leaving after their child's part but they weren't bothered when other people did it. Moreover, many said that they didn't even expect other parents to stay for their kid's performance.

So now I'm asking you: Do you leave a concert after your child's part is over? Take our poll!

- No, it's rude. We stay for the whole thing.
- No but I don't mind when other people do. - Yes but I feel guilty about it. - Yes. I'm busy! You're busy! What's all the fuss?

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