Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Your Horoscope for the Week of October 8Hearst Owned

Overview: Eclipse week is here! And on the agenda: All things relationships. On Thursday, action-oriented Mars enters Scorpio (where it will stay until November 24), helping us take our connections to deeper places where we can develop trust and intimacy. On Saturday, the second to last eclipse of the year graces the skies. The solar eclipse in Libra changes our relationship WITH relationships so we can negotiate, compromise, and turn polarities into complementaries.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscopes:


Go deeper, Aries! Your ruling planet Mars enters your Scorpio-ruled intimacy zone on Thursday, helping you take your connections to more passionate, fulfilling, and authentic places for success. Saturday’s solar eclipse in Libra in your relationship sector wants you to get clear on not just the kind of love you want to receive, but also the kind of love you want to give to others. Balance is key!


Opposites do *annoyingly* attract, Taurus. Mars enters your Scorpio-ruled romance sector on Thursday, attracting you to partners whose differences help you grow and who can likewise learn from your strengths. Saturday’s solar eclipse in Libra in your wellbeing zone wants your intentions on how small goals and accountability buddies can help you succeed.


Start small, but start somewhere, Gemini! Action-loving Mars enters your Scorpio-ruled wellbeing zone on Thursday, which helps you stop avoiding and zigzagging and start approaching the new habits and behaviors that help you make progress. Saturday’s solar eclipse in Libra gives your confidence a big boost, especially if you’re brave enough to be vulnerable and express yourself first.


Get out of the crab shell, Cancer. Strong Mars enters your Scorpio-ruled confidence zone on Thursday, inspiring you to initiate big risks, take direct action, and share the story of who you are with your whole heart. No need for hyper-vigilance anymore. Saturday’s solar eclipse in Libra lights up your home/family zone, giving you a new journey with home as not just a place but a feeling. It also creates deeper relationships with whoever you define as “family."


Boundaries offer connection too, Leo. Fiery Mars enters your Scorpio-ruled emotional safety zone on Thursday and helps you not just protect yourself with boundaries, but get clear on what you want for connection, too. Saturday’s solar eclipse in Libra transforms your approach to communication and inspires you to make gentle requests proactively so you can avoid resentments down the line.


Open up, Virgo! Direct Mars enters your Scorpio-ruled communication sector on Thursday, reminding you that straight talk leads to straight understanding, clear speech is kind, and closed mouths don’t get fed. Speak up! Saturday’s solar eclipse in Libra reframes your relationship to finances and helps you live into your values.


Happy birthday, Libra! Mars enters your Scorpio-ruled embodiment zone on Thursday, helping you let your emotions and values influence your behavior. Saturday’s solar eclipse in your sign is major! Think about all you want to let go of and what you want to call in. This is an opportunity for both closure and commencement.


You’re almost out of the woods, Scorpio. Passionate Mars enters your sign on Thursday and gives you a new outlook on life by changing who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have. Saturday’s solar eclipse in Libra helps you by highlighting the patterns and behaviors from the past that you want to let go of because they don’t serve you in the present.


Time to rest, Sag! Energetic Mars enters your Scorpio-ruled closure zone and wants you to take a sabbatical so you can reconnect to your inner voice. Let that voice guide you to a different outlook. Saturday’s solar eclipse in Libra changes your community and friendship by having you center reciprocity: Are you giving as much as you want to get? Are you getting as much as you give?


You’re the leader, Capricorn! Pioneering Mars enters your Scorpio-ruled friendship zone and helps you hold space and help cultivate your friends' potential. Saturday’s solar eclipse in Libra reminds you that your relational intelligence and skills, generosity, and support uplift your career as equally helpful as your competence.


What do you professionally want, Aquarius? Freedom-chasing Mars enters your Scorpio ruled-career zone on Thursday, calling for more independence, leadership, and self-employment (if you want it). It's time to align your passion with your profession. Sunday’s solar eclipse in Libra wants to expand your horizons through education and travel, so follow your curiosities for curiosity’s sake and see where they takes you!


Pain can only take you so far, Pisces. Vision pulls you further! Mars enters your Scorpio-ruled vision sector on Thursday, inspiring you to generate a new vision to problem-solve and take action to create positive changes. Sunday’s solar eclipse in Libra wants you to own your desires for an intimate relationship and then make it happen.

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