Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Your Horoscope for the Week of July 28Hearst Owned

Overview: Does the impact match the intention? Tuesday’s Moon-Mars conjunction in Gemini prompts you to reflect on how you implement what you imagine. Sunday’s New Moon in Leo provides a major confidence boost if you're considering a big creative risk. On the same day, Venus enters Virgo, making mindfulness and attentiveness top priorities for establishing relationship happiness this summer.


Do your words align with your actions, Aries? A helpful Moon-Mars conjunction on Tuesday assists in bridging the gap between what you say and what you do. Sunday’s New Moon in your Leo-ruled confidence sector focuses your intentions on the self-esteem required for courageous acts. On the same day, Venus enters Virgo, harmonizing your relationship with wellbeing, good habits, and mindfulness.


Listen to your body, Taurus. Tuesday's Moon-Mars conjunction helps you stay attuned to your body's messages. Sunday’s New Moon in Leo directs your intentions toward the people and places that make you feel at home. Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, attracting relationships that boost your confidence and allow you to be vulnerably beautiful.


Straight talk is key, Gemini! An articulate Moon-Mars conjunction on Tuesday inspires clear, compassionate, and kind communication. Sunday’s New Moon in Leo reminds you why you're the zodiac’s premier messenger and urges you to step into that role. Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, helping you feel safer and more emotionally connected to your potential and/or current partners.


Have hope, Cancer. A tender Moon-Mars conjunction on Tuesday helps you recognize hard feelings while reminding you that they won’t last forever. Sunday’s New Moon in Leo directs your intentions toward financial security, so tell the universe what you're willing to do to stay financially stable. Venus enters your Virgo-ruled communication zone on Sunday, attracting partners with whom you feel safe to speak openly.


Happy birthday, Leo! A social Moon-Mars conjunction on Tuesday encourages you to be a leader among your friends because they're relying on your decisiveness. Sunday’s New Moon in your sign focuses your intentions on the new year—who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have. Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, bringing you additional birthday abundance both financially and in your relationships with all kinds of pleasure.


Follow your ambitions, Virgo! A productive Moon-Mars conjunction on Tuesday inspires you to try something different professionally, yielding positive results. Sunday’s New Moon in Leo directs your intentions toward closure and what you want to release, whether patterns, places, or people. Venus enters your sign on Sunday, renewing your relationships with passion, excitement, and new possibilities.


Apply the wisdom, Libra! An intelligent Moon-Mars conjunction on Tuesday helps you implement key learnings to change what needs changing. Sunday’s New Moon in Leo directs your intentions toward ensuring that your friendships are reciprocal and supportive. Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, helping you heal from past painful relationships that don’t serve your present joy.


Sex is mental, Scorpio. Tuesday’s intimate Moon-Mars conjunction helps you consider how your mind, imagination, and clear communication powerfully impact your sex life. Sunday’s New Moon in Leo directs your intentions toward your career, encouraging you to own your desires for more freedom and leadership. Venus enters your Virgo-ruled friendship zone on Sunday, blurring the line between friendship and romance so you can experiment with the best of both.


Date night on Tuesday, Sag? A romantic Moon-Mars conjunction puts romance and chemistry in the air, so plan ahead. Sunday’s New Moon in Leo directs your intentions toward expansion, from travel to education and all opportunities that help you grow. Venus enters your Virgo-ruled career zone on Sunday, attracting people who want to help you succeed professionally in amazing ways.


Zoom in, Capricorn! A mindful Moon-Mars conjunction on Tuesday prioritizes small things that impact big things, especially regarding your wellbeing. Sunday’s New Moon in Leo directs your intentions toward intimacy and deepening relationships through vulnerability. Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, providing a relational education by helping you interact with people who are very different from your usual type.


Express your truth, Aquarius! A courageous Moon-Mars conjunction on Tuesday inspires you to share a big feeling, truth, fear, or longing with someone who needs to hear it. Sunday’s New Moon in Leo directs your intentions toward both receiving and giving romantic love, so write down what you want to give and get. Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, taking your relationships to more intimate, sexually thrilling places this summer.


What are you feeling, Pisces? An emotionally intelligent Moon-Mars conjunction on Tuesday helps you name your emotions more quickly as a pathway to health and wellbeing. Sunday’s New Moon in Leo directs your intentions toward habits, routines, and health to help you achieve your goals. Also on Sunday, Venus enters Virgo, beginning your most romantic time of year. Stay open to new relationships that reinforce your strengths and help heal your challenges.

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