Here's How Long You Can Safely Store Glass Noodles In The Fridge

Glass noodles in a bowl
Glass noodles in a bowl - vitals/Shutterstock

Glass noodles are often used when cooking East and Southeast Asian dishes. The noodles are made from mung bean flour, water, and a little bit of salt, and they cook up pretty quickly. In fact, they don't need any heat at all; you just need to soak the noodles in a bowl of warm water for about 10 minutes. Then, the delicate noodles can be used in stir-fries, soups, and hotpot. If you wind up with extra food after your meal, you may want to save some for the future.

While it may be convenient to toss them in a container to enjoy leftovers for a few days, these Asian noodles do have a limited lifespan after they've been cooked up. The cool temperatures of the fridge can keep the glass noodles fresh for up to two days, though you'll want to eat them sooner rather than later to ensure you're getting the best taste and texture. Of course, you'll want to store the noodles in an airtight container. This will keep the noodles protected from smells and tastes originating from other foods.

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There Are Two Other Ways To Keep The Noodles Fresh

Japchae with glass noodles
Japchae with glass noodles - Wesley Kiou/Shutterstock

Glass noodles are pretty starchy, so they can become sticky or gummy feeling over time. To prevent this texture, you should rinse your glass noodles in cold water prior to refrigerating them. This can remove a little extra starch, which will help keep the noodles separate. You can also add in a little bit of oil prior to refrigeration. If you plan to serve the leftover noodles with broth or veggies, sesame oil can help protect the texture and add a little extra flavor.

If you're concerned that you won't be able to eat all of the glass noodles in just a couple of days, they can also be frozen. An airtight container in the freezer will keep the noodles good to eat for up to one month. However, freezing and thawing the food with heat might alter the texture. The best way to thaw the glass noodles is to pull them out of the freezer and place them into the fridge for around 8 hours. If you want a faster way to thaw, they can be left out at room temperature. However, leaving leftovers out for too long is a food safety mistake that could be dangerous; when food is in the "danger zone" between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit, it is especially susceptible to bacteria growth after two hours.

How To Tell If Your Glass Noodles Have Gone Bad

Bowl of glass noodles
Bowl of glass noodles - Kritchai Chaibangyang/Getty Images

If you happen to forget about your glass noodles in storage or you aren't sure how long they've been in the fridge, don't just dig right in. There are a few telltale signs that the food has gone bad. Firstly, any discoloration is indicative of mold or spoilage. Glass noodles are light and almost transparent, so any hues are a bad sign. Strange smells are also signs that the noodles are no longer edible. If your noodles have taken on a slimy texture, they won't just be unpleasant to eat, they could also be dangerous and spoiled.

Spoiled noodles can carry bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses with symptoms like cramping, nausea, and vomiting. So, if you have any suspicions that your noodles aren't super fresh anymore, it's better to play it safe and toss out your leftovers. If you store your glass noodles properly and plan to eat them within a day or two, it's generally safe to enjoy a tasty bowl of leftover glass noodles paired with green papaya, peanuts, and chili vinaigrette.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.