50 Best New Year's Jokes for Adults and Kids

woman holding fire sparkler
Welcome 2025 With Laughter Thanks to These Jokes Ridofranz - Getty Images

Leading up to New Year's Eve and 2025, it's normal to think about change in our lives and what we may want to do differently in the new year. For some, it's being more mindful, while others strive to expand their reading lists. But one thing everyone could benefit from in 2025? Having more humor in our lives, and these funny New Year's jokes and punchy one-liners can certainly start us all off on the right foot.

This list is full of the most hilarious dad jokes, silliest jokes for kids and super clever puns that family and friends of all ages will certainly enjoy on New Year's Eve. The possibilities are endless — you can recite one or two while making a heartfelt New Year's toast or use them for your Instagram captions accompanying all your glittery New Year's selfies. Another idea? Send these humorous New Year’s wishes to your loved ones via text when the clock strikes midnight to spread some instant cheer.

No matter how you use them, we guarantee a few of your favorites on this list will end up becoming regular corny jokes you say from time to time when someone's in need of a little chuckle.

What's a spider's New Year's resolution?

To spend less time on the web.

funny new year's jokes and oneliners
Good Housekeeping

What do you tell someone you didn't see on New Year's Eve?

I haven't seen you for a year!

new years jokes
Good Housekeeping

What does every new year have in store for us?

Another 365 days!

funny new year's jokes and oneliners
Good Housekeeping

Why do you need a jeweler on New Year's Eve?

To ring in the new year.

new years jokes
Good Housekeeping

How did Prince celebrate the new millennium?

He partied like it was 1999.

funny new year's jokes and oneliners
Good Housekeeping

What does a ghost say on January 1st?

Happy Boo Year!

new years jokes ghost
Danielle Carson

Why is partying in Times Square overrated?

Because they drop the ball every year.

funny new year's jokes and oneliners
Good Housekeeping

What should people never eat on New Year's Eve?

Fire crackers.

new year jokes
Good Housekeeping

What does a field grow on January 1?

New Year’s hay.

funny new year's jokes and oneliners
Good Housekeeping

In what year did Christmas Day and New Year's Day fall in the same year?

Every year!

new year jokes
Good Housekeeping

What do farmers give their wives at midnight on New Year’s Eve?

Hogs and kisses.

funny new year's jokes and oneliners
Good Housekeeping

Last year, I was able to keep all of my New Year's resolutions...

... tucked away in a journal on my bookshelf.

new years jokes
Good Housekeeping

What does a caterpillar do on January 1?

Turns over a new leaf.

funny new year's jokes and oneliners
Good Housekeeping

What did the chef make for his New Year's dinner?

New Year's filet.

new years jokes
Good Housekeeping

Knock knock. Who’s there? Radio. Radio who?

Radio not, it’s a new year.

funny new year's jokes and oneliners
Good Housekeeping

Not to brag, but I already have a date for New Year’s Eve.

It’s December 31st.

new years jokes date
Danielle Carson

Did you hear about the guy who started fixing breakfast at midnight on Dec. 31?

He wanted to make a New Year's toast!

new year jokes
Good Housekeeping

Where do you go to do math homework on New Year’s?

Times Square.

funny new year's jokes and oneliners
Good Housekeeping

How can you keep a New Year's resolution to read more while never opening a book?

Watch TV with subtitles.

funny new year's jokes and oneliners
Good Housekeeping

What was Dr. Frankenstein's New Year's resolution?

To make new friends.

new years jokes
Good Housekeeping

What do snowmen like to do on New Year's Eve?

Chill out!

new years jokes
Good Housekeeping

What do you call someone who says they know all the words to "Auld Lang Syne"?

A liar.

new years jokes
Good Housekeeping

What New Year's resolution should a basketball player never make?

To travel more.

new year jokes
Good Housekeeping

Why did the man sprinkle sugar on his pillow on New Year's Eve?

He wanted to start the year with sweet dreams.

new year jokes
Good Housekeeping

Knock knock. Who's there? Cheese.

Cheese who? For cheese a jolly good fellow.

knock knock joke
Good Housekeeping

What did the cat say on New Year's Eve?


what did the cat say on new year's eve meow
Good Housekeeping

Why do birds fly south for New Year's Eve?

It's too far to walk.

new years jokes birds
Danielle Carson

My New Year’s resolution is to stop procrastinating.

But I’ll wait until tomorrow to start.

new year's jokes
Danielle Carson

New Year?

I just got used to this last one!

new years jokes new year
Danielle Carson

What do you call always wanting a date for New Year’s Eve?

Social Security.

new years jokes social security
Danielle Carson

Why should you put your new calendar in the freezer?

To start off the new year in a cool way.

new years joke calendar
Danielle Carson

What’s the problem with jogging on New Year’s Eve?

The ice falls out of your drinks!

best new year quotes — jogging
Danielle Carson

Knock knock. Who's there? Abby.

Abby who? Abby New Year!

Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

My New Year's resolution is to be more optimistic by keeping my cup half-full...

... with either rum, vodka or whiskey.

best new years quotes cup half full
Danielle Carson

What is corn’s favorite holiday?

New Ear's Day.

best new years quotes corn
Danielle Carson

What’s a cow’s favorite holiday?

Moo Year's Day!

Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

I was going to quit all my bad habits for the new year...

... but then I remembered that nobody likes a quitter.

Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

At the beginning of this year I made a New Year's resolution to lose 10 pounds...

... Only 15 more to go!

Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

What is a New Year's resolution?

Something that goes in one year and out the other.

Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

What's the best New Year's resolution?


Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

My New Year's resolution is to break my New Year's resolutions.

That way I succeed at something!

Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

What happened to the man who shoplifted a calendar on New Year's Eve?

He got 12 months!

Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

An iPhone and a firework were arrested on New Year's Eve.

One was charged and the other was let off.

Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

What did the little champagne bottle call his father?


Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

Let’s celebrate New Year’s Eve...

... by making many pour decisions!

Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

I would lose weight for my New Year's resolution...

... but I hate losing.

Best New Year's Jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

Why was 6 afraid of 9 on New Year's Eve?

Because 9, 8, 7...

best new year's jokes 2020
Hearst Owned

Who gets the most excited about the New Year's Eve countdown?

Calendar companies.

new year's jokes
Hearst Owned

What do New Year's parades have in common with Santa Claus?

No one is ever awake to see them.

new year's joke
Hearst Owned

My resolution was to

... so I put the subtitles on my TV.

new year jokes
Good Housekeeping

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