Your Horoscope for August: Find Grounding Amidst the Chaos

Astrologer Valerie Mesa shares your horoscope for the month of August

<p></p> Monthly Horoscope
Monthly Horoscope

As we approach the midpoint of summer, your August horoscope promises a dynamic and transformative month ahead.

On Aug. 2, love planet Venus will square rebellious Uranus, triggering a sense of volatility and unpredictability in the realm of relationships and finances. Although this aspect tends to bring unexpected changes and surprises, it’s a time to break free from stagnant patterns and explore unconventional approaches, whether financially or in your love life.

There will be a new moon in Leo on Aug. 4, inviting you to set bold intentions and embark on new creative ventures. Whether you’re seeking a new hobby or redefining your personal goals, this lunation supports your authenticity and self-expression.

That same day, Venus will make its official debut in Virgo, shifting the focus toward practicality and productivity and expressions of love through acts of service. The desire to improve your day-to-day routine and overall well-being will also take precedence.

Mercury will station retrograde in Virgo on Aug. 5, triggering delays and general misunderstandings. Be sure to double and triple-check your plans and logistics, and more importantly, strive for clarity and patience in communication. The messenger planet will eventually re-enter Leo on Aug. 14, urging you to re-assess your approach and whether you’re confident taking that route.

On Aug. 14, Mars will join forces with Jupiter in Gemini, bringing momentum to your immediate surroundings and intellectual exchanges before squaring off with Saturn retrograde on Aug. 16. This could create obstacles, test your patience or trigger feelings of restriction; the key is to stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize.

This month’s full moon (Aug. 19) will be one for the books, and not just because it’s in a zodiac sign like Aquarius — revolving around community affairs and your sense of belonging in the world — but because of the Fixed aspects (Jupiter square Saturn retrograde, Venus square Jupiter, to name a few) and undeniable tensions surrounding this lunation.

Just days before Mercury stations direct, the sun will ingress into Virgo on Aug. 22, bringing forth more grounded and practical energy. This is a call for creating routines that support mental and physical well-being and for organization and purification. Reflect on what needs to improve for your highest good.

The month comes to a close with Venus returning to its sign of rulership, Libra, where the love planet encourages you to seek beauty, justice and resonance in your personal and professional relationships.

Here's what August has in store for you, according to your zodiac sign.

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

Horoscope Sign Aries
Horoscope Sign Aries

Steer away from making impulsive decisions in August, Aries. The month kicks off with Venus square Uranus, stirring unexpected shifts regarding your finances and creature comforts. Be sure to look to the new moon in Leo on Aug. 4 if you're hoping to manifest a new beginning in your love life or when it comes to a creative venture. Fortunately, with Venus entering Virgo that same day, there will be a sense of harmony and a greater focus on your daily rituals, health habits and work routines.

Try not to overbook yourself, as Mercury will station retrograde, bringing potential disruptions and last-minute tweaks to your work environment or health regimen. Misunderstandings are just as likely as reschedules, so the fewer expectations you have, the better. Also, the energy will peak mid-month as your celestial ruler, Mars, will meet with Jupiter in Gemini. On top of quenching your curiosity, you could feel as inspired as ever to pursue new connections and opportunities.

As the full moon in Aquarius approaches, tensions run high as Luna shines a spotlight on your 11th house of associations, community affairs and future visions. Unexpected changes could be the root of this full-circle moment, so allow the chips to fall where they may. Don't fret—things will start to feel more grounded once the sun debuts in Virgo on Aug. 22, bringing more structure and order to your life.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Horoscope Sign Taurus
Horoscope Sign Taurus

Expect shake-ups in your personal life, Taurus. August begins with your celestial ruler, Venus, at odds with Uranus in your sign, bringing emphasis to everything from your desire for freedom to an unexpected change in your appearance. If things feel unsettling or more spontaneous than you're comfortable with, harness the energy of the new moon in Leo on Aug. 4. Igniting your fourth house of home and family, you may feel the urge to renovate your living space or simply invite new energy to your domestic life.

That day, Venus will sashay into Virgo and your fifth house of love, passion projects and self-expression. This tactful and discerning transit adds a layer of harmony to your creative ventures while encouraging you to see the beauty in the details. With Mercury stationing retrograde in Virgo shortly after, you could feel called to revisit a romantic connection and clear the air while others of you experience the usual delays and misunderstandings brought on by the retrograde effects.

Mars will eventually join forces with Jupiter, sparking opportunities for financial growth and new income streams. This news is sure to excite and motivate you about your financial prospects. However, it's advisable not to make any big investments just yet, as Mars will also clash with Saturn retrograde, creating tensions between your resources and your social contributions. The full moon in Aquarius also marks a time of culmination and clarity regarding your career path and sense of authority, but navigating next steps will require patience and adaptability.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Horoscope Sign Gemini
Horoscope Sign Gemini

Buckle up, Gemini—August will feel like a wild ride. The month kicks off with a chaotic square between Venus and Uranus, sparking unexpected insights or disruptions around the way you connect with others, which can simultaneously uncover hidden feelings and secrets. Whether it be an unexpected conversation with a sibling or news that catches you off guard, be sure to look to the new moon in Leo on Aug. 4 to manifest a fresh new beginning and perspective in this area of your life.

Venus will shift into Virgo that same day, bringing harmony and focus to your home, family and personal life. However, with your celestial ruler, Mercury, stationing retrograde shortly after, delays and misunderstandings are also likely on the home front. Double and triple-check plans or agreements to avoid any potential hiccups.

Without biting off more than you can chew, harness the energy and confidence boost brought on by Mars and Jupiter in your sign on Aug. 14, as Mars will eventually clash with Saturn retrograde, triggering friction between your personal ambitions versus your sense of authority. This is followed by a liberating full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 19, urging you to embrace new perspectives and venture outside of your comfort zone.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Horoscope Sign Cancer
Horoscope Sign Cancer

You're putting your foot down in August, Cancer. The month begins with an unpredictable square between Venus and Uranus, bringing unexpected shifts to your sense of security and community affairs. Surprises or disruptions are especially likely in your social life, but fear not—this could bring forth opportunities for collaboration and connection. Harness the energy of the new moon in Leo on Aug. 4, as it marks an excellent time for financial security and investments that align with your passions and heart's desires.

Venus will enter Virgo that same day, encouraging harmony and more meaningful conversations with those in your immediate environment. However, with Mercury stationing retrograde shortly after, delays and misunderstandings are almost inevitable, so it's important to be extra cautious with your words and double-check important documents. After all, Mercury will eventually re-enter Leo on Aug. 14, urging you to revisit financial matters and past decisions regarding your values or sense of security.

The energy will peak during the full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 19, bringing clarity to themes surrounding debts, shared resources and intimate unions. This lunation invites you to embrace transformation and release old patterns, perhaps setting boundaries within your joint ventures or emotional connections.

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Horoscope Sign Leo
Horoscope Sign Leo

While celebrating your solar return, honor your personal growth and transformation, Leo. August begins with an erratic square between Venus and Uranus, creating shake-ups in your professional life and urging you to embrace a new role or make bold moves in your career. While some of you step into the spotlight unexpectedly, others may receive a surprising job offer. Despite not being a fan of taking risks, you're being called to embrace your individuality and be open to change. Be sure to set intentions during the new moon in your sign on Aug. 4, as you are being presented with a fresh start.

Love planet Venus will shift into Virgo shortly after, bringing harmony and balance to your financial sector, followed by Mercury retrograde in this area of your chart. Try to be extra cautious with your finances, as you may encounter delays or misunderstandings. Mercury will eventually re-enter your sign on Aug. 14, allowing you to revisit and reassess past decisions. If you've been having trouble getting grounded in your sense of security, Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini brings a surge of passion and intellectual stimulation, making it an excellent time to network.

An action-packed full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 19 will activate your relationship sector and encourage you to create more balance in your connections, personally and professionally. However, with multiple challenging aspects occurring on the same day, tensions are likely to arise between your personal desires and external commitments. Complications and issues will likely be resolved once Mercury goes direct, so hang in there.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Horoscope Sign Virgo
Horoscope Sign Virgo

You're getting ready to leave an old identity behind, Virgo. August begins unpredictably as Venus goes head-to-head with Uranus, inspiring the urge to break free and make a spontaneous decision. Whether it's a spiritual retreat or a new course that expands your worldview, a flexible mind is required at this time. Fortunately, with the support of a liberating new moon in Leo on Aug. 4, this is a great time to meditate on next steps and focus on your self-care.

Love planet Venus enters your sign that same day, enhancing your charms and overall self-confidence. However, with your celestial ruler, Mercury, stationing retrograde shortly after, it's important to be mindful of miscommunications, especially in personal matters or passion projects that are close to your heart. Be sure to double-check details and be prepared for potential delays or misunderstandings. Mercury will eventually re-enter Leo on Aug. 14, encouraging you to reflect on past decisions and how they align with your current reality.

The full moon in Aquarius will illuminate your daily rituals, health regimen and work routines, prompting you to reevaluate your work-life balance and make the necessary adjustments. Given the multiple challenging aspects surrounding this lunation, you may experience tension and unexpected disruptions in your relationships and professional life. Fortunately, with the sun debuting in your sign on Aug. 22, you will have a renewed focus on your self-improvement and personal growth. Mercury will also station direct on Aug. 28, resolving communication issues and providing some much-needed clarity.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Horoscope Sign Libra
Horoscope Sign Libra

Take time to introspect and surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you, Libra. August kicks off with a disruptive square between your celestial ruler, Venus, and rebellious Uranus, triggering surprising shifts in a friendship group or with regard to an investment. Whether it's an unexpected expense or a shift in your community, keeping an open mind will help you navigate these surprises more effectively. Look to the new moon in Leo on Aug. 4 to set intentions for your future goals and aspirations.

Your celestial ruler, Venus, enters Virgo that same day, encouraging you to focus on rest, self-care and your life behind the scenes. Mercury will also station retrograde in this area of your chart on Aug. 5, so it's important to be cautious of misunderstandings or delays when it comes to your personal matters. Activities such as yoga, meditation, or therapy are likely to bring surprising insights, but the key is to be patient with yourself in the process.

Mars will join forces with Jupiter in Gemini on Aug. 14, inspiring the desire to explore new territory, whether through travel or education. This is followed by an action-packed full moon in Aquarius, highlighting your desire for self-expression versus your social contributions and sense of belonging in the world. An opposition between Venus and Saturn retrograde urges you to reassess your priorities, but don't be discouraged. Venus returns to your sign on Aug. 29, bringing you back to your breezy element while boosting your self-confidence and powers of persuasion.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Horoscope Sign Scorpio
Horoscope Sign Scorpio

Never say never, Scorpio. August marks a time of significant personal and professional change for you. It begins with a disruptive Venus-Uranus square, bringing unexpected developments to the career front and with regard to your one-on-one partnerships. Whether it be a new job offer or a surprising shift in your environment, this prompts you to reassess how you've been balancing your commitments. Harness the energy of the new moon on Aug. 4, as it offers a powerful opportunity to set intentions and goals for your career and legacy in the world.

Simultaneously, love planet Venus will debut in Virgo, highlighting everything from your friendship groups to your community affairs while inspiring the desire to nurture and cultivate these areas of your life. With Mercury also stationing retrograde shortly after, it's important to be discerning with logistics in your social life to avoid misunderstandings. After all, Mercury will eventually re-enter Leo on Aug. 14, encouraging you to integrate the insight you've acquired into a brand-new approach.

Be mindful of overextending yourself. That same day, Mars will conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, emphasizing the dialogue (or lack thereof) in your intimate affairs. If something needs to be addressed, tackle it, but try to steer away from creating potential obstacles in your joint ventures moving forward. Things come full circle during the full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 19, bringing family matters to the forefront so you can make the necessary adjustments. All in all, it's time to reassess your priorities moving forward.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Horoscope Sign Sagittarius
Horoscope Sign Sagittarius

Your entire outlook is shifting this month, Sagittarius. It starts with a rebellious square between Venus and Uranus, impacting everything from your day-to-day affairs to your belief systems and educational pursuits. You may find yourself spontaneously deciding to venture out and take a trip somewhere or perhaps even reestablish an outdated routine. Lean on the new moon in Leo on Aug. 4, as it marks an excellent time for adventure, expansion and personal growth.

That same day, Venus will sashay into Virgo, charming the most public point in your chart, which has everything to do with career, notoriety and public achievements. Consider this an opportunity to cultivate positive relationships with your colleagues and higher-ups, but with Mercury stationing retrograde in this area of your chart, it's essential to be discerning and cautious with details. The usual retrograde hiccups and misunderstandings are likely, so double-check important documents and be patient with yourself and others.

Shortly after, Mars will join forces with your celestial ruler, Jupiter, in Gemini, bringing a surge of energy and enthusiasm to your relationship sector. This is an excellent time to collaborate on a project or deepen an existing relationship. However, when considering the full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 19—not to mention the intensity-filled aspects surrounding it—you're being called to reflect on your interactions and the dynamic within your immediate surroundings. Are you communicating with honesty and integrity?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Horoscope Sign Capricorn
Horoscope Sign Capricorn

Your personal and professional investments are of greater focus in the month of August, Capricorn. You're in for some unexpected transformation as Venus squares off with Uranus on Aug. 2, triggering shake-ups in your joint ventures and creative collaborations. You may be confronted with an exciting opportunity to invest, while others of you encounter surprising shifts in a significant partnership. A new moon in Leo on Aug. 4 presents you with the opportunity to start again, as it is an excellent time to review financial agreements and explore your journey to transformation.

Venus enters Virgo that same day, bringing balance and harmony to everything from your travel plans to your desire for wisdom and self-discovery. Although this is a great time to plan for the future, Mercury will station retrograde shortly after, which is more than often the root of delays and misunderstandings. Be sure to double and triple-check your plans and itineraries, as something may need to be re-evaluated. The full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 19 could bring the clarity you've been seeking when it comes to your sense of stability, but not without a few surprises.

You'll be back in your element as of Aug. 22, when the sun enters Virgo and your ninth house of exploration and self-discovery. Mercury will also station direct shortly after, which can help you resolve misunderstandings in your commitments. Fortunately, with Venus entering Libra on Aug. 29, you'll have the sophisticated charm and magnetism to focus on career goals and public relations.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Horoscope Sign Aquarius
Horoscope Sign Aquarius

There isn't anything subtle about the month of August, Aquarius. It begins with a disruptive yet liberating square between Venus and your modern ruler, Uranus, on Aug. 2, triggering unexpected changes in your relationships and domestic environment. You may experience a sudden need for independence within a connection or face surprising events on the home front that require your attention. If you're looking for ways to approach things differently when it comes to commitments, look to the new moon in Leo on Aug. 2 and set intentions around your relationships.

Venus enters Virgo that same day, highlighting the foundation of your joint investments and intimate unions. If something needs to be clarified or readjusted, Mercury retrograde marks an excellent time to reflect, review and make necessary adjustments. Mercury will eventually re-enter Leo on Aug. 14, prompting you to revisit past commitments and relationship dynamics. Mars will also be joining forces with Jupiter in Gemini, bringing momentum and mental stimulation to your love life and creative collaborations.

Before the month comes to a close, there will be a full moon in your sign, encouraging you to reflect on your individual autonomy and how you present yourself to the world. That being said, this day will have a series of challenging aspects, so tensions may arise between your personal desires and prior commitments. The sun's debut in Virgo on Aug. 22 will also shift your focus toward deeper emotional and financial transformations, urging you to seek stability and growth in these areas of your life. Finally, once Venus enters Libra on Aug. 29, you'll have a pep in your step again, ready for a new adventure.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Horoscope Sign Pisces
Horoscope Sign Pisces

Get your ducks in a row, Pisces. August kicks off with a disruptive Venus-Uranus square, bringing emphasis to your day-to-day routines and immediate surroundings. This could trigger unexpected challenges in your work environment or health regimen, perhaps even a sudden job change or shift in your responsibilities that require you to adapt quickly. Don't overthink things—harness the energy of the new moon in Leo on Aug. 2 with confidence and courage. It will renew itself in your sixth house of mindfulness, productivity and work routines.

Venus will enter Virgo that same day, surrounding your commitments and relationships with harmony and charm, which marks an excellent time to strengthen your bond with a significant other. However, with Mercury also stationing retrograde in this area of your chart, potential mishaps and miscommunications are likely, so be sure to communicate clearly. After all, Mercury will re-enter Leo on Aug. 14, prompting you to rework and re-organize your daily routine. Don't commit to something unless you're willing to follow through.

A full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 19 urges you to reflect on your inner world and life behind the scenes, presenting you with the opportunity to surrender what no longer serves you. Shortly after, the sun enters Virgo and your relationship sector, emphasizing the foundation of your commitments and contractual agreements. This, followed by Mercury direct on Aug. 28, contributes to the resolution of any work-related matters or communication issues.

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