How to eat more healthy salmon

(Nick Ansell - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
(Nick Ansell - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

No longer is salmon saved for a special occasion meal.

It has become one of the most widely eaten fish. It’s definitely not a bad thing as many nutritionists and doctors will tell you its an excellent source of protein and contains the magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamins A and D, and the B vitamins our bodies need to function.

Eating at least one serving of fatty fish high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon each week can reduce your risk of cardiac arrest, and lower blood cholesterol levels.

These fatty acids are even known to reduce inflammation and joint pain in those suffering from arthritis, lower breast, colon and prostate cancer risks, as well as improve eye and brain health.

The trick is finding new an exciting ways to incorporate this power house fish into your diet without getting bored of eating it.

[See also: What to know about fish oil supplements]

Luckily salmon is a very versatile fish and can be prepared in a variety of ways. Enjoy it baked, smoked, broiled, grilled, fried, poached, or raw in sushi dishes. Try incorporating it into these ideas:

- Poached salmon with tzatziki sauce
- Add smoked salmon to scrambled eggs, omelets, bagels, or breakfast sandwiches
- Add to salads in place of chicken
- Salmon casserole
- Try salmon burgers instead of beef
- Serve smoked salmon with crackers as an hors d’oeuvres
- Order salmon sushi at your favourite Japanese restaurant
- Mix salmon in pasta with a rose sauce or with vegetables
- Grill salmon steaks or kebabs on the barbecue
- Salmon stir fry with mixed vegetables and brown rice
- Add it to a rice or couscous dishes

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