"My Husband Said My Look Embarrassed Him At Dinner With His Boss" — People Have Big Feelings Over This Married Couple's Recent Argument

Quora user Louis Marley recently asked users for their opinion after arguing with her husband about an outfit she chose to wear to a dinner with her husband's boss. Here is a selfie of what she wore and a near-identical photo of a similar dress from Amazon:

Floral-patterned blouse with sheer, elbow-length sleeves and a slightly curved hem

Let's get into the story:

Marley starts, "We met at his boss’s house and, as soon as he saw me, he said I was going to embarrass him. That was super hurtful. He even suggested we leave, but at that moment, his boss peeked out the window and invited us in..."

A woman with light hair leans her forehead against a glass window, with her reflection visible. Her expression appears contemplative or sad
Juanmonino / Getty Images

"When I saw his boss’s wife, I immediately understood. [She] was covered in diamonds, wearing a designer dress, and smelling of some high-end perfume. She might as well have had a brand name tattooed on her forehead. Plus, she was like half my age," she continued.

A woman in a black sleeveless dress poses elegantly with her hand near her face. She wears a statement necklace and matching bracelet
Coffeeandmilk / Getty Images

"My husband spent the entire evening sitting there quietly, not cracking jokes like he usually does. He was truly embarrassed by me. Meanwhile, his boss kept joking around, and his wife kept putting me on the spot, asking things like how often I visited this or that boutique. I barely held back from asking her how often she’d opened a book in her life."

A person with a thoughtful expression, resting their head on their hand while wearing a light-colored shirt. Their gaze is directed to the side
Maca And Naca / Getty Images

"In the end, I couldn’t take it anymore and left, leaving my husband there alone. Now I’m wondering if I overreacted. What do you think of my outfit? Was my husband right? What would you advise?"

A woman stands outdoors, screaming with a distressed expression, wearing a black jacket and ripped jeans. Sparse trees and rocks are in the background
Karetoria / Getty Images

Thousands of people from Quora raced to the comment section to share their feelings. Here is what is being said:

"Your husband must have known about his boss’ lifestyle, including a much younger wife. Where are your diamonds? Sounds like he has never bought you any…and maybe he should be grateful you aren’t out spending all of his money on designer dresses you might wear once. He completely let you down on this as he could have told you what to expect, and — then, even so, you look great! And it has nothing to do with the outfit. It has to do with your husband NOT respecting you as his wife. He should be ashamed of himself, but if he acted the way you say, I doubt he is. It really is your choice what you want to do or say now, but whatever you do, please put respect and love for yourself as your top priority."

Fieldsnearandfar, Quora

"Your husband should never make you feel embarrassed. I would have left also. You look fine, by the way."

Rolanda Paquin, Quora

"You look absolutely perfect for a dinner with your husband’s boss. The idea that he was embarrassed by you is his problem, not yours. You were dressed appropriately for the occasion and looked wonderful. If he expected you to dress a specific way, it was up to him to make you aware of that and provide you with the means to do so. Sorry, your husband is such a dope."

Lois Boyce Flack, Quora

"How you look isn't the point. Your husband should never hurt your feelings and make you feel as if you aren't loved and appreciated."

Julia Brown, Quora

"You need to find a new husband. Your current husband warranty has expired and has become useless."

John Law, Quora

The post started gaining so much traction that it is now generating big conversations on Facebook and Instagram threads:

A Facebook post by Happy Birthday Wishes Pictures includes comments from three users: Diana-Rick Campos, Pat Cariola, and Starlene Hale, offering supportive messages

It seems clear that most people are responding in defense of Marley:

A Facebook post from "Happy Birthday Wishes Pictures" with comments from Hygeia P. Basibas about beauty, Dave Jarrett discussing narcissistic behavior, and Janette Alicia offering support

And, on all the platforms, we haven't seen one person side with the husband:

Comment by tanyawilliams108 dated 07/17/2024: “I have a sneaky suspicion that your husband doesn’t encourage you to spend what it takes to dress like that. He knew how old you were when you got married. Don’t make this about YOU, it’s him that is wrong.”

It seems pretty apparent that people just want to support the woman and offer their perspective:

The image shows a social media post from user madredhead14 dated 07/15/2024, questioning who someone is trying to impress, their boss or their wife

So, we want to open the floor to our BuzzFeed readers. What do you think of this situation, and how should she handle the conversation about it with her husband? Let us know in the comments!