I'm Pretty Much The Dumbest Guy On Earth So These 22 Absolutely Incredible Pictures Put My Brain In A Blender Immediately After I Saw Them
1.This is what Nicolas Cages' father, August Coppola, looked like:
For some reason, it never occurred to me that Nic Cage could possibly have a dad.
2.This is how big (or small) France is compared to the United States:
It's barely a Nebraska and a Kansas long.
3.This is what store bought strawberries look like compared to strawberries bought at a farmer's market:
Shout out to farmers and their ability to make red things more... red.
4.This is how big Pluto and its moon Charon are compared to the Earth:
You know what? I'm glad that puny little dwarf planet doesn't count as a planet anymore.
5.This is what the control panel of the Spirit of Saint Louis, the plane Charles Lindbergh used on his historic flight across the Atlantic Ocean, looked like:
Truly like what a 3rd grader would draw as the controls of a plane.
6.And this is the chair Charles Lindbergh sat on for his entire 33 hour flight:
Folks, my rear-end would be barkin' after that trip.
7.While we're at it, here's a diagram of his entire plane, for reference:
Looks... comfy!
8.Elephant seals are really, really, really, really big:
This giant boy here is Tristan the sea elephant. Folks, do we stan Tristan?
9.There are four miles of tunnels 72 feet underneath Tokyo designed to prevent the city from flooding. The whole system is absolutely huge:
It cost two billion dollars to build.
10.This is what a Fanta from Europe looks like compared to one from the United States:
Much less orange... or is it?
11.This is one very, very, very safe example of what a baby's car seat used to look like in the 1950s and 60s:
12.Here it is in action:
Looks great to me. Totally safe and not making my palms sweat at all.
13.This is the world's oldest surviving photograph, taken by Nicéphore Niépce in 1827:
It's called "View from the Window at Le Gras." It's, well, a view from a window.
14.Here's what the original, un-enhanced world's oldest picture looks like today:
15.This was the scene aboard the ship The Queen Elizabeth as it brought soldiers back home to New York after World War II ended:
I hate to say it... but imagine having to use the bathroom? Nightmare.
16.This is the first prize winning can of string beans from September 1945:
Can we get some dang RESPECT for the first prize beans?
17.Eleven days in October had to be skipped after the Gregorian calendar was adopted in 1582:
A wise person on Reddit hipped the internet to the fact that if you scroll back in your phone long enough, you can see it for yourself.
18.This smiling fellow is a lab technician hired to observe couples kissing in order to gauge the durability of lipstick:
A real normal job.
19.Tooth crowns don't shine under blacklight like normal teeth:
Uranium used to be added to dental crowns to match the natural glow of real teeth. It is not used anymore.
20.This is what a egg that's missing a yolk looks like:
I miss that yolk already.
21.This picture straight out of Harold Potter is of the former Cincinnati Public Library, built in 1874 and demolished in 1955:
22.And, finally, a lot of things had to go exactly right for you to be here:
You're special! Not as special as me, but you know. You get it.