James Bulger's mother calls killer Jon Venables a 'vile psychopath'

James Bulger's mother has said she predicted her son's killer Jon Venables would reoffend, after he was taken back into custody.

Venables, who was 10 years old when he murdered the toddler in 1993, has been caught with child abuse images on a computer for a second time.

Denise Fergus told Sky News: "Venables has now proved beyond any doubt what a vile, perverted psychopath he has always been."

Venables was previously returned to jail in 2010 for downloading and distributing dozens of indecent images of children.

In a statement read out by a friend, Mrs Fergus went on to say she felt the probation service have been "trying to keep this quiet".

"What hurts me most," she said, "is the way the probation service has tried to cover this up.

"Venables was taken back into custody a week ago, yet I was only informed hours before it hit the press."

She said the late notice has left her feeling extremely upset, angry and insulted.

"I hope finally I might get some justice for my son, James," she said.

"I predicted Venables would reoffend unless they kept a very tight rein on him and I pray that now please someone from the UK government will finally listen to me."

The Ministry of Justice has issued an apology for "additional distress" caused by the probation service.

It said: "We want to reassure Mrs Fergus and Mr Bulger that a liaison officer will continue to stay in regular contact with them as the case progresses."

Venables, now in his 30s, was detained after the images were discovered during a routine check at his home by probation officials, The Sun reported.

He was originally jailed for life alongside 10-year-old classmate Robert Thompson for the abduction, torture and murder of two-year-old James in Bootle, Merseyside, in 1993.

The two boys were released on licence with new identities in 2001.

Venables went on to offend again, including arrests for affray and possession of cocaine in 2008.

In 2010, he was jailed for two years after pleading guilty to downloading images of child abuse.

Venables, who was reportedly given a second new identity after his first alias was revealed, was granted parole in 2013.

:: James Bulger killer Venables 'still a danger'

A post on the James Bulger Memorial Trust's Facebook page encouraged people to leave messages of support for Mrs Fergus.

"It will obviously mean the world to her, and Stuart and all the family," a spokesperson for the charity said.

"A bit of love to get them through this never ending nightmare!"

A Ministry of Justice spokesman told Sky News: "We do not comment on individual cases."