Just peachy: Georgians complain far less than people in the rest of US, study says

Listen, sometimes life can be overwhelming and there are valid reasons to complain. But we never want to be known as the “Debbie Downer,” now do we?

Whether it’s about work, politics, the weather or money, we’ve all been guilty of complaining a time or two during our lifetime. In fact, a recent study by Preply found that 35% of Americans say they complain about something at least once a day and one in two Americans say they gripe about something once a week.

However, it looks like everything is peachy in Georgia.

Preply ranked Georgia the least likely to complain, so let’s take a look at why:

Georgia’s key takeaways

Here’s what the study reported about Georgia:

  • Georgia ranks as the no. 1 state with the least complainers.

  • Only 29% of Americans complain about their kids.

  • About 80% of respondents complain about customer service.

  • As much as 43% of Americans have cut off relationships with people who complain too much.

  • What’s the thing Georgia residents complain the most about? The cost of things (100% of residents reported complaining about prices).

So, how did the study find its data and how did it rank other U.S. states?

Here’s how the study found its data

Preply surveyed 2,000 Americans about their biggest gripes and how they feel about “complaint culture,” in America. The Preply team asked questions about things people relate to, get annoyed by and how often they complain.

After answers were collected, the team gave each state a score from 0 to 100 based on “which parts of the country are more prone to make a fuss,” as stated by the study. The states with the lowest scores were ranked the least likely to complain and the states with the highest scores had the most complainers.

Let’s check out which states need a little less gripe and a little more gratitude:

Which states ranked the most likely to complain?

These states were ranked the ones with the most complainers:

  • Mississippi - had a score of 99.77

  • Alabama - 98.38

  • Nevada - 96.94

  • West Virginia - 96.08

  • Nebraska - 94.87

  • Iowa - 93.58

  • New York - 91.94

  • Texas - 91.86

  • Virginia - 91.73

  • Colorado - 91.68

Which states ranked the least likely to complain?

These states were ranked the ones with the least complainers:

  • Georgia - scored 80.65

  • Oregon - 81.12

  • Connecticut - 81.91

  • Kansas - 83.52

  • Minnesota - 83.97

  • North Carolina - 84.01

  • Missouri - 85.36

  • Illinois - 85.52

  • Utah - 85.64

  • Massachusetts - 85.99

What do you find yourself complaining about most during the day? Let me know in the comments or email me at cmadden@mcclatchy.com

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