I Just Spent The Past 20 Minutes With My Jaw On The Floor After Looking At All These Incredible Pictures And Now I Really Need You To See Them
1.This is how big an average polar bear is compared to a human:
2.And to make things even more terrifying, this is how big a polar bear's paw is compared to a human hand:
3.This is how big Tokyo is compared to London:
They should move Tokyo right next to London in real life. Or London right next to Tokyo. Dealer's choice.
4.This is how big the Statue Of Liberty's face is compared to a person:
This is a full-sized replica. Tell me, would you give her a little smooch?
5.This is what a completely empty airplane looks like:
This makes me more uncomfortable than actually flying on an airplane.
6.This thermal image of a dog shows how chilly its nose can be compared to the rest of its body:
Of course, that's by design.
7.This is how big a bar of $26,000 worth of gold is:
Think of all the places you could shove it.
8.And this is what $700 worth of platinum looks like:
According to MoneyMetals.com, platinum is currently $34.79 per gram.
9.Now, you're obviously familiar with the front side of a peacock. It's majestic. Glorious, even! But have you ever seen a peacock's back side? Now you have:
Not so special now, are ya???
10.This is what Franklin Delano Roosevelt looked like at the start of his first term as President in 1933...
11.And this is the last picture of Franklin Delano Roosevelt ever taken, snapped just one day before his death:
He was 63 years old in this picture.
12.Unfortunately, there's no treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. Just a lot of nothing:
Nicolas Cage... how could you lie to us?
13.And this is what the back of the "Mona Lisa" looks like:
14.Fake teeth don't glow under a blacklight:
I don't know what to do with this information.
15.This is what the inside of the Leaning Tower of Pisa looks like:
So empty.
16.This is what the inside of a quarter looks like:
Not sure what I expected, but definitely not that it'd look like a car cigarette lighter.
17.This is what a store-bought egg looks like compared with an egg bought at a farmers market:
I want that egg. I need that egg.
18.This is Mary Ann Bevan, a widow who was given the title of "World's Ugliest Woman" in 1920:
After the death of her husband and being diagnosed with a rare disease, Mary Ann joined circus sideshows to support her several children. You can read more about her incredible story here.
19.This is what a handful of peanuts look like if you let them sprout:
Looks like something out of my deepest, darkest, peanutiest nightmares.
20.This is what a tumbleweed looks like before it...tumbles:
It's a bush. A BUSH!!!!!
21.This is what the control room on a British submarine looked like in the 1960s:
Looks simple enough.
22.This is what the battleship USS Independence looks like outside of water:
Looks like it should be flying in outer space.
23.This is what the inside of a water tower looks like:
Looks like the water in that one scene in Titanic.
24.This is what a jail cell in Sweden's biggest prison looks like:
Specifically a cell in Kumla Prison. Would love to commit a crime in Sweden.
25.This is what freshly pressed olive oil looks like:
It looks like it would give superpowers to a group of turtles.
26.In 1952 it cost $61 to give birth:
I can assure you that these days it is at least four dollars more expensive.
27.There have been some really terrible and really out-there amendments proposed to the US constitution:
Honestly, "The United States of Earth" goes hard. You can read more about them here and even order yourself your own pocket constitution for free.
28.This is what the skeleton of a king cobra looks like:
Even in death, I'm staying away.
29.This is what the dorm room of two college students looked like in the 1910s:
30.This is Civil War veteran Jacob Miller, a man who was shot right between the eyes and lived for 17 more years:
That can't feel good.
31.This is what a whale's eye looks like up close:
So much well-worn whale wisdom within that eye.
32.This picture, from Abraham Lincoln's funeral, has a special guest. In the second story window shown here is a young Teddy Roosevelt:
33.This picture was taken shortly after David Scott and Neil Armstrong's Gemini 8 space capsule landed in the Pacific Ocean:
Some cool-looking extra-terrestrial dudes.
34.This is what Harriet Tubman looked like in old age:
35.In 2020, an Austrian town with a very provocative name voted to change its name to a much more family friend version:
You can see the before and after here.
36.This is what the American snacks section in an Australian grocery store looks like:
Nerds... Bugles... Reeses... Takis... I respect it.
37.This is a room full of competitors at the 1980 Space Invaders video game world championships:
This is what true competition looks like.
38.This painting shows the devastating effects centuries of cigarette smoke has on art:
One half has been restored while the other has not.
39.This is what the Golden Gate Bridge looked like while under construction:
It's from 1936 and looks quite peaceful.
40.Here's a real, live copy of the Magna Carta from 1305:
1305... a great year.
41.This is what an all-terrain wheelchair made for the beach looks like:
Would love to take this bad boy for a spin.
42.In a deck of cards, every king except for the king of hearts has a mustache:
43.This is what the pyramids of Giza look like from above:
Khufu would've loved this.
44.Curved escalators exist:
More impressive than the one on the Titanic, IMO.
45.This is a dinosaur tail that was preserved in amber. Notice the feathers:
It's 99-million-years-old.
46.Orange-flavored Tic Tacs are white in Europe:
This is due to food dye regulations. Not an ad, but shout out to orange tic tacs. The GOAT.
47.Speaking of which, American Froot Loops and Canadian Froot Loops are totally different colors:
This is due to regulations in Canada concerning food additives and coloring.
48.Recognize these big ol' rocks? This is Mount Rushmore before the presidential heads were carved into it:
49.And this is what Mount Rushmore looks like from behind:
50.The inside of a fire alarm is just... a switch:
Not sure what I imagined.
51.This is what a strawberry without any seeds looks like:
I am uncomfortable.
52.Voting can be slightly dirty:
53.This is what a mass of DNA looks like:
No jokes in the comments about masses of DNA, folks. Please no.
54.Australia is really, really big:
Like, huge.
55.This is what the late 7-foot-7-inch NBA legend Manute Bol looked like while swimming in a typical swimming pool:
Now we need to see Muggsy Bogues swimming in the pool for comparison.
56.This is what a husky looks like compared with a wolf:
Wolves: They're big.
57.And this is how big a wolf's paw print is compared with a human hand:
My goodness.
58.Cooling towers have an open bottom:
59.This is what a cross-section of wood from the 1950s looks like compared with a cross-section of wood from today:
The modern wood is on top, the 1950s wood on bottom.
60.And, finally, screwdrivers...well, screwdrivers can be really, really big:
My goodness.