I Just Spent The Past 15 Minutes With My Jaw On The Floor After Looking At All These Fascinating Pictures And Now I Need You To See Them

1.This is what a neanderthal looks like with contemporary clothing and hair:

A museum exhibit display of a Neanderthal model in a suit, posed behind a stone wall

Would love to crack open an ice cold Diet Pepsi with this man here.

Alamy Stock Photo

2.This is Chandra Bahadur, the shortest man in recorded history:

him next to a stack of books

He stood just 21.5 inches tall.

Anadolu Agency / Getty Images

3.And here is Chandra Bahadur next to the world's tallest man, Sultan Kosen:

Chandra Bahadur and Sultan Kosen

Sultan stands 8 feet 3 inches.

Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images

4.This is what a 5-year-old Albert Einstein looked like:

A young child stands in a formal outfit holding a hat, posing for a vintage portrait

I can see his... Einstein-y-ness.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

5.This is what a nuclear warhead looks like:

People in a workshop are assembling a large red and black device using a lifting mechanism. An American flag is in the background

Like a traffic cone... an evil traffic cone.


6.Al Capone's Philadelphia prison cell was nicer than my apartment:

Al Capone's prison cell

And free, too.

Catnap72 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

7.This is what Antarctica looks like from the window of a plane:

Flat-looking, nonverdant scene from an airplane window


u/michaelt1991 / Via reddit.com

8.This is the first picture ever taken of an image broadcast on television:

Historic 1927 image of a man's face created on a Nipkow disk, an early television technology

9.This is what an authentic, mint condition Woodstock 1969 ticket looks like:

The ticket shows it was for three days and cost $18; it has been sealed in an appraiser container and rated as gem mint 10

10.This is how much some of McDonald's most popular menu items cost in 1992:

Fast food menu offering six value meals with prices: Big Mac, Two Cheeseburgers, Quarter Pounder with Cheese, McChicken, McGrilled Chicken, Double Quarter Pounder

We have to go back.

u/complexwrangler1342 / Via reddit.com

11.These are some of the floats from the 1939 edition of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade:

Inflatable cartoon character balloons float above a crowded street during a parade in a historic urban setting

Bring back Big-Nose-Guy.

Camerique / Getty Images

12.Some scallops have a ton of tiny little blue eyes:

The small eyes can be seen on their body directly underneath their shell; there are several of them side by side along the length of the body

13.This unassuming white dot is the iceberg that sunk the Titanic:

An iceberg

Much less menacing far away.

Photo 12 / Universal Images Group via Getty Images

14.Couches, my friend...couches can be really, really big:

A sofa posted online for sale, and it is extremely long; it sits in a straight line and has seating for 15 people

Anyone want to go in on the Long Oxblood Chesterfield Style Leather Sofa?


15.This is what a nuclear reactor looks like from above:

A nuclear reactor

I wish to touch it.

u/technoguyfictation / Via reddit.com

16.This is what the neighborhood around Tokyo Tower in Japan looked like in 1960...

Black-and-white photo of Tokyo Tower rising above a sprawling cityscape with traditional Japanese buildings in the foreground
Bettmann / Bettmann Archive

17.And here's what the same neighborhood looks like today:

Aerial view of Tokyo cityscape with Tokyo Tower in the center, surrounded by skyscrapers and green spaces

I count at least three new buildings.

Behrouz Mehri / AFP via Getty Images

18.This is what happens to a gummy bear if you soak it in water overnight:

A hand holds a gummy bear formed by merging several smaller gummy bears with a glass below

Gummy bear got yoked.

u/fraudlyfreilein / Via reddit.com

19.This right here is a giant earthworm that was found in Queensland, Australia:

Big old worm hanging from a large, rectangular digging tool

Totally not terrifying at all.

u/taytay13s / Via reddit.com

20.This is a picture of a meeting of the New York chapter of the "Fat Men's Club" circa 1930:

Group of well-dressed men from the early 20th century gather indoors. Some smile, and one wears a hat. The setting suggests a formal event

21.In 2013, the Pope visited Copacabana Beach in Brazil and, well, a whole lot of people came to see him:

Massive crowd fills Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, with city skyline and Sugarloaf Mountain in the background

Imagine having to pee in the middle of that crowd. Nightmare scenario.

Tasso Marcelo / AFP via Getty Images

22.This is the first picture of a tornado ever taken:

Historic black and white photo of a tornado touching down from a stormy sky

It was taken in 1884, long before Helen Hunt was ever born.


23.Tangentially related: here is the oldest picture of the White House ever taken:

The White House

It was taken in 1846. Right around the time when the sewage was probably killing everyone inside.

Alamy Stock Photo

24.When Hurricane Floyd hit Florida in 1999, flamingos from the Miami-Metro zoo took refuge in a bathroom to protect themselves from the storm:

Flamingos in a bathroom

Well, zookeepers put them there to protect them from the storm.

Tim Chapman / Getty Images

25.Curved doors are a thing that exist:

A curved wall with a hidden door reveals a cozy living room with armchairs and natural light

26.Before 2003, Boston had an elevated highway run through the city. It was eventually moved underground and replaced by...

City scene with vintage cars on a busy highway, bordered by brick buildings and billboards. Urban atmosphere with a mix of traffic and architecture
/ Alamy Stock Photo


City park with green lawns, trees, and pathways, surrounded by urban buildings and a distant bridge under a clear sky

Ahhhh. That's much better. Exhale.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

28.During World War II, the statue of "David" by Michelangelo was completely encased in bricks to prevent damage from bombs:

David encased in bricks in the shape of a dome

29.Telephone lineworkers go to telephone lineworker school where they learn how to be telephone lineworkers:

Telephone lineworkers

Say "telephone lineworker" five times fast.

u/proffie / Via reddit.com

30.Hex wrenches can be WILDLY different sizes:

A hand holding a large L-shaped hex key near a tool chest, showcasing the size of the tool

I dream of wielding the big wrench.

u/mrflow / Via reddit.com

31.This is the foldout bed George Washington slept on during the Revolutionary War:

A thin, stained mattress the size of a twin-size bed and a pillow coming out of a trunk

You'll notice it folds into a trunk. Only the finest for old George.

Twitter: @DonRadebaugh

32.This is a cassowary, often called the "world's most dangerous bird"...

A cassowary stands in a forested area, displaying its vivid blue and red head and large body feathers
Universalimagesgroup / Universal Images Group via Getty Images

33.And this is what a cassowary's eggs look like. They're green!

Person holding a large green egg in one hand and a small blue egg in the other, smiling

Like a giant sour Skittle. Nature's sour Skittle.

Picture Alliance / dpa/picture alliance via Getty Images

34.Blue stop signs exist:

A stop sign is visible from a car windshield at night, in a residential area with a parked car and streetlights

35.This, in all its glory, is what the inside of the Wienermobile looks like:

Brightly colored (red and yellow) seats with a yellow mustard zigzag on the floor and hot dogs illustrations on the backs of the seats

Wow. What a sight. God's plan.

u/olasparent / Via reddit.com

36.The words added to the dictionary in 1900 are an absolute doozy:

An old dictionary open to a page labeled "Words recently introduced," including Eugenics, Telewriter, Wireless, and Linotype

Shout out to "dewberry."

u/sean-not-seen / Via reddit.com

37.This is what the underside of a stingray looks like:

X-ray image of a baby stingray displaying its skeletal structure and fins spread outward

Didn't think you'd hear the phrase "underside of a stingray" today, did ya?

Henry Horenstein / Getty Images

38.In the 1950s, archeologists discovered the 13th-century doodles of a Russian boy named Onfim, some of the oldest drawings by a child ever discovered:

Onfim's drawings

39.Cement trucks and other giant trucks can have student drivers:

"Please be patient, student driver" sign on the back of a huge truck

Words can't describe how patient I would be.

u/ghmichael / Via reddit.com

40.And finally, a billion is really, really, really, really big:

Note saying people don't understand how much bigger 1 billion is than 1 million and that 1 million seconds is about 11 days but 1 billion seconds is about 31 1/2 years
u/ghostdovah / Via reddit.com