Kanye West Served Sushi On A Naked Woman, But Is That Actually Safe?

kanye naked sushi
Is It Actually Safe To Eat Off Another Human?Rich Fury/VF20 / Contributor / Getty Images Entertainment; Lisa Maree Williams / Stringer / Getty Images News

Kanye West's controversial 46th birthday included a Japanese practice called Nyotaimori, which basically just means serving sushi and sashimi off of a naked woman's body.

The internet was appalled at the incident, with many calling out the Yeezy founder for misogyny. "Treating a human woman like a plate is kinda misogynistic big dog," one user wrote, with another chiming in, "the grossest display of misogyny ever. Gluttonous misogyny."

Here's the thing, though: the blatant show of sexism might not be the *only* problem with Nyotaimori. It can actually be a safety hazard.

Is It Safe To Eat Food Off Another Human?

The short answer is no. According to food scientist, food and beverage consultant, and author of 150 Food Science Questions Answered Dr. Bryan Quoc Le, eating off another human is actually pretty unsanitary—especially with sushi.

"One of the issues with eating food off a person's body, especially raw fish, is that human skin contains a very large load of microorganisms," he says. "While the majority are innocuous, humans do carry around pathogen microorganisms on the surfaces of their skin. The most common skin pathogen is Staphylococcus aureus, which causes pneumonia and blood infections."

Can You Mitigate The Risk?

Dr. Quoc Le explains that the only way to avoid pathogens from the body is if model has "done extensive cleaning using chemical disinfectants on their skin, such as hydrogen peroxide, chlorinated agents, or rubbing alcohol."

However, even with these precautions, there is still the risk of other pathogens—especially ones that originate from the genitals, anus, or mouth. These germs can quite literally transfer onto the raw fish. Fingernails and hair can also transfer dirt and grime. Not so appetizing now, is it?

You're probably aware already that you can't leave raw fish out for too long because it can cause food poisoning. Well, as Dr. Quoc Le points out, eating it off a body simply speeds along that process.

"The warmth of the model will also speed up the rise in temperature of the sushi or sashimi, which again will lead to increased microbial growth," he says. "Reputable restaurants will cover the model with wax or cellophane to reduce the risk of contamination. If the sushi or sashimi is on a plate or platter, that will also help reduce the risk of contamination so long as the model can remain in their stance for the period of time spent serving the dishes."

Let's just hope Ye's guests are feeling okay post-party, huh?

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