Kate Middleton Revealed One Of Her Favourite Foods And We Now Feel Queasy

kate middleton favourite food
Kate Middleton On Her Love Of KidneysWPA Pool - Getty Images

Article updated on 22/02/22: Kate Middleton surprised royal fans on Pancake Day when she made an admission about her favourite food.

On February 21, the Princess of Wales visited the Oxford House Nursing Home and met 109-year-old resident Nora.

While discussing food with the resident the royal asked her about her favourite food, to which she stated it was kidneys and brussels sprouts. Much to our surprise, Kate said: 'I love kidneys too.'

During her visit the mother-of-three took part in a pancake-making activity and was seen attempting to flip a pancake to little success. 'Definitely don't eat that one,' she told onlookers while flipping one batter mix.

kate middleton favourite food
WPA Pool - Getty Images

The royal joked that her children might try to avoid her pancakes this year, adding: 'Maybe the children won’t want to do pancakes… "Mummy, we’ve seen you do it – no way".'

Article originally published on 14/09/2018: Our fascination with the royal family's *real* lives knows no bounds and, thankfully, Prince William has revealed another titbit about life at home with the Cambridges.

On Thursday, William attended the grand opening of Japan House in London, a new project which aims to create a greater understanding of Japan amongst British people and create stronger cultural bonds between the two countries.

The Duke of Cambridge received a tour of the facilities, made a speech, viewed an exhibition, unveiled a plaque, met with Japanese craftspeople, as well as Japanese business leaders and practiced using chopsticks with local schoolchildren.

prince william
Getty Images

During the packed visit, he also sampled some of the menu of Japan House's restaurant, Akira, which featured a bento box containing sushi. While trying the delicious food, he revealed to Executive Chef Akira Shimizu that he and Kate 'love sushi'.

A source from the project revealed on Twitter the duke added: 'We might have to come down here for lunch when no one else is in.'

William finished off his visit by giving a toast to the organisation in Japanese with sake, which is Japanese rice wine.

This isn't the first time William has divulged his and Kate's eating habits. When the royal couple appeared on BBC Radio One, to promote the work of Heads Together in 2017, they spoke about how much they love takeaways with their go-to often being a curry.

Royals - they're just like us!

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