Kate Winslet, Rachel Weisz, and Emma Thompson form Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League

With the never-ending quest to look as young and wrinkle-free as possible, half of Hollywood is now either unrecognizable or incapable of registering any emotion through facial expressions. Thankfully, three awesome actresses, Kate Winslet, Rachel Weisz, and Emma Thompson have co-founded the British Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League, an organization dedicated aging naturally.
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The Daily Telegraph spoke with the English stars about why they formed this new club. Kate Winslet, 35, told them “It goes against my morals, the way that my parents brought me up and what I consider to be natural beauty. I will never give in.” Besides the fact that she doesn't want to mess with the laws of nature, the actress said the influx of cosmetic surgery in Hollywood could be damaging career-wise. "I am an actress, I don’t want to freeze the expression of my face.”
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Emma Thompson, Winslet's close friend and costar in 1995's "Sense and Sensibility" feels the same way. “I’m not fiddling about with myself,” she told the Daily Telegraph. “We’re in this awful youth-driven thing now where everybody needs to look 30 at 60.” For the record, Thompson is 52 years old and stunning. She embraces her crow's feet and smile lines.
Rachel Weisz, 41, told the Telegraph, “People who look too perfect don’t look sexy or particularly beautiful.” Preach! Let's hear it for playing up the beautiful, natural features we were all born with.
Would you be willing to join the Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League?