Kevin Zegers and wife Jaime welcome twin girls

Congratulations to Kevin Zegers and his wife, Jaime Feld, who are now first-time parents to newborn baby girls. Sharing the news on Twitter, the Canadian actor couldn't contain his excitement. "They're here! I've never been more in love than I am with the gift my beautiful wife just gave me...Zoe Madison and Blake Everleigh Zegers!"

Fans first learned of the couple’s growing family back in April, when a representative for Kevin confirmed the pregnancy, saying, “ Kevin and Jaime are so excited and can’t wait for their little bundles of joy to arrive.” The happy news comes two years after the pair said ‘I do’ during a romantic ceremony in Livingston, New Jersey - as seen exclusively in the pages of Hello! Canada.

Jaime and Kevin at their New Jersey wedding in 2013. Photo: Michael Cafaro/iNsYnc NY Photography

At the time, the 30-year-old The Curse of Downers Grove star revealed his desire to become a father, adding, “I’m probably in an unhealthy way obsessed with my nieces and nephews; both of us are, actually. So we’re definitely really excited to start a family.”

Blake and Zoe Zegers.

A photo posted by kevinzegers1984 (@kevinzegers1984) on Aug 20, 2015 at 5:24pm PDT

Jaime was equally thrilled by the prospect of becoming a mom, telling Hello! how confident she was that her husband would make a terrific dad. “He loves kids. He’s fiercely loyal and protective of them.” She also joked that, “He doesn’t love shopping – he’ll have to learn to love shopping if we have a girl!” And now, with two daughters, the actor has twice the incentive to familiarize himself with the mall.

My wife is a boss. Carrying these girls like a champ. Rocking the high top kicks. #wife #betterhalf

A photo posted by kevinzegers1984 (@kevinzegers1984) on Jun 20, 2015 at 8:25pm PDT

Ever the supportive husband, Kevin was on call to help Jaime throughout her pregnancy. He even took time to share adorable tributes to his wife on Instagram, like the photo above, and this cute snap, which he captioned: “Happy anniversary to the most spectacular woman I've ever met in my life @jaimefeld."

The social media-savvy star will be sure to keep us all up to date on his and Jaime’s adventures in parenthood, and keep an eye on @HelloCanada to find out when you can see exclusive first pictures of the couple’s bundles of joy in an upcoming issue.