Kimberlé Crenshaw, You Don't Just Exist to Exist | MAKERS Moment

Kimberlé Crenshaw, You Don't Just Exist to Exist | MAKERS Moment

Video Transcript

KIMBERLE CRENSHAW: When I was a little girl the country was in the middle of a tremendous social upheaval. The Civil Rights Movement was really hitting its stride. I watched it on television as a kid and very much wanted to understand what was going on, be part of what was going on. And a lot of that was nurtured by my parents. One of the things that my parents used to make us do is come to the dinner table with something to discuss about what we had observed in our world that day.

They were really sticklers for the notion that you don't just exist to exist, you exist to do something, to accomplish something, to be of service to your world and to your community. That really was, I guess, the beginning of the idea that I was in a world but I needed to also be able to talk about the world and talk back to the world.