Kimberlé Crenshaw, I'm a Proud Feminist | MAKERS Moment
Kimberlé Crenshaw, I'm a Proud Feminist | MAKERS Moment
Video Transcript
KIMBERLÉ CRENSHAW: I've always thought my feminism was intersectional, and that's why I was always willing to call myself, you know, a feminist. And I don't always use intersectionality as an adjective to it because I think it concedes that feminism without that adjective, you know, actually can exist. I don't see that as feminism. If it doesn't include, you know, all women if it doesn't include a critique of patriarchy and heteronormativity, I don't see it as a feminist project.
So I'm a proud feminist. I think feminism includes all the issues that really confront us from the survival of the planet to the survival of all people in the planet. And so I'm proud to consider myself part of this particular legacy of feminism.