Learning What Your Body Language Means Could Improve Your Relationships
Learning What Your Body Language Means Could Improve Your Relationships
The way you move and position your body when you're having a conversation with someone else can say a lot more about you than you might intend. When you're thinking about your body language, you might actually manipulate it to get a message across—if you're flirting with someone, for example, you might try touching your collarbone more or leaning forwards towards them. But even when you're not thinking about it, your body language says something to others, and it might reveal how you're truly feeling. "It's difficult to 100% know if a sign means what you think it does, so give the interaction time to unfold," says Julie Melillo, a life and dating coach based in New York City. "Remember that some people are simply shy, or may even have a social phobia, so don't take any interaction personally and allow others to be themselves." Here are a few things your body language might say about you.
Your hand gestures speak volumes.