Love is Blind UK’s red flags and scandals identified by dating expert

The first series of Love is Blind UK has arrived on Netflix. (Netflix)
The first series of Love is Blind UK has arrived on Netflix. (Netflix)

The first series of Love is Blind UK has landed on Netflix, bringing plenty of the drama viewers of the original US-based series know and love.

The highly anticipated British version of the reality dating series is hosted by Matt and Emma Willis, and will see a group of single men and women dating one another and falling in love without ever seeing each other in person.

Love is Blind brings the drama from the get-go. From red flags to scandals, the series reveals some jaw-dropping revelations about participants as they navigate their new relationships and decide whether they will say ‘I do’ at the altar.

The first four episodes of Love is Blind UK arrived on Netflix on Wednesday 7 August, with the next batch to be released on 14 August and the final batch on 21 August.

**Warning: This article contains spoilers for the first series of Love is Blind.**

We spoke to Dr Lalitaa Suglani, an eharmony relationship expert and award-winning psychologist, to talk us through the first four episodes of Love is Blind UK.

Participants in Love is Blind date one another without ever seeing each other, before deciding if they want to marry. (Netflix)
Participants in Love is Blind date one another without ever seeing each other, before deciding if they want to marry. (Netflix)

In the first episode, viewers are introduced to the show’s concept and several cast members. We see them going on first dates with multiple people through "pods", asking questions about one another to get a sense of whether the person on the other side of the wall might be a potential partner.

On first dates such as these, Dr Suglani says that it is "important to strike a balance between engaging conversation and respecting each other’s boundaries".

She tells Yahoo UK: "Interestingly, research from eharmony suggests that males are generally more inclined to avoid small talk on first dates, with 22% preferring to delve into deeper topics compared to 16% of females.

"While in some cases, skipping the small talk can lead to a deeper connection, it’s important to ensure the conversation remains comfortable or respectful for both daters."

The topic of sex often comes up between the participants in the pods. This is a key area when it comes to dating, says Dr Suglani, but bringing it up too early can be off-putting, especially for women.

The men and women are kept apart in Love is Blind UK, and cannot see one another unless they decide to get engaged. (Netflix)
The men and women are kept apart in Love is Blind UK, and cannot see one another unless they decide to get engaged. (Netflix)

"Almost two in five females (39%) wish their dates would not discuss or ask about sex on the first date compared to only 14% of males, according to eharmony research. This shows how crucial sensitivity and awareness can be when it comes to conversational boundaries.

"Another topic to avoid on a first date is discussing ex-partners... Talking about exes can bring up negative emotions and shift the focus away from getting to know each other. It’s more productive to focus on the present and future, exploring each other’s personalities and values to identify if that person is right for you."

One of the cast members who will stand out to viewers is Sam, who talks openly about feeling insecure about the way he looks. When he meets Jasmine in the pods, his insecurities colour his interactions with her.

Jasmine explains that she feels he is telling her what she wants to hear to try and make a connection, rather than what he actually feels and wants. Even without seeing Sam, insecurities can still be noticeable, says Dr Suglani.

Love is Blind UK cast member Sam is one of the first participants that viewers are introduced to. (Netflix)
Love is Blind UK cast member Sam is one of the first participants that viewers are introduced to. (Netflix)

"Insecurity can be off-putting for a few reasons. Firstly, it can show a lack of confidence, which can be considered an attractive quality. Confidence suggests that a person is comfortable with themselves and their place in the world, which can be reassuring and appealing to others.

"Additionally, insecurity can impact the flow of conversation. If one person is constantly doubting themselves or seeking validation, it can make interactions feel less genuine and more strained.

"Jasmine might sense Sam’s insecurity through his tone of voice, the hesitancy in his responses, or his tendency to downplay his achievements. These behaviours can make it harder to form a connection and maintain an engaging conversation."

In the second episode of Love is Blind UK, the participants get even deeper in conversation with one another. They talk about their pasts, futures, the potential for children, and - of course - sex.

Catherine has formed a connection with two people, Freddie and Ollie. While she really likes Freddie, she and Ollie have a very sexually charged energy on their dates. Another participant, Tom, is in a similar situation, feeling more of a sexual connection with Maria than Natasha.

Love is Blind: UK: Season 1. Catherine in Love is Blind: UK: Season 1. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix/Tom Dymond © 2024
Catherine is falling for Freddie and Ollie, but initially thinks she is more sexually attracted to Ollie. (Netflix)

Sexual attraction is a powerful thing, even when you can’t see the other person. It has the power to greatly influence emotions and decisions, Dr Suglani says.

"It’s often misunderstood that sexual attraction is down to someone’s looks, but the sexual chemistry we feel for someone is often based on a mix of looks, personality and the way we portray ourselves in conversation being some of the most important," she explains.

"Sexual attraction based on looks alone can create such a strong, gut-level response that can overshadow more rational thoughts. These intense feelings make it hard to separate physical desire from deeper emotional connections. For Catherine, the strong chemistry she experiences with Ollie through his personality and conversation alone challenges her feelings for Freddie, showing just how powerful and sometimes disruptive sexual attraction can be – even when you can’t see them."

Viewers return to Sam, who becomes frustrated with Jasmine when she tells him she doesn’t think he is giving her genuine answers. While he wants to continue dating her, she breaks things off to focus on her connection with Bobby.

It might not be so easy for others to determine if someone is telling the truth or not - as we see with Nicole, who is also interested in Sam. She leans away from her earlier connection with Benaiah, who is worried for her because he believes Sam is not being entirely truthful about his reasons for being on the show.

Nicole leans towards her connection with Sam, despite having feelings for Benaiah. (Netflix)
Nicole leans towards her connection with Sam, despite having feelings for Benaiah. (Netflix)

Dr Suglani advises singletons to pay attention to inconsistencies in the other person’s story. "If their stories frequently change or their opinions seem to quickly shift without reason, they might not be entirely truthful. Consistency is often a sign of honesty, while frequent changes can indicate that someone is making things up as they go along just to impress you."

Another red flag to look out for is if someone is overly agreeable or telling you exactly what you want to hear. This could mean they are more focused on pleasing you than being honest, she says, adding: "Many genuine relationships involve some level of disagreement and differing opinions."

After Benaiah tells Nicole his concerns about Sam not being on the show for love, she has a serious decision to make. However, viewers see her ultimately falling in love with Sam after he reassures her he is genuine, and she tells him that she loves him.

However, after proposing to Nicole and hearing her say yes, Sam only then tells her: "I think I love you." Viewers will no doubt see this as a huge red flag, and so does Nicole, as she appears suddenly unsure about her decision.

"Sam saying he ‘thinks’ he loves Nicole may be a big red flag for viewers because it indicates uncertainty and a lack of confidence in his feelings. This uncertainty can lead to future doubts and issues in the relationship. A clear, mutual understanding of love is essential for a lasting and fulfilling marriage," Dr Suglani says.

Couples can only see one another in person if they decide they want to get married. (Netflix)
Couples can only see one another in person if they decide they want to get married. (Netflix)

Meanwhile, Benaiah is left having to deal with Nicole’s rejection of him - particularly as he knows she has chosen Sam instead. Dr Suglani explains that this type of rejection can be painful for various reasons.

"In particular, the personal investment you may have put into developing the connection can make this rejection hard. When you really like someone, it’s likely that you’ve invested a lot of emotional energy, time and hope into the relationship,” she says.

"Jealousy can also play a role. It isn’t just about wanting what someone else has; it’s about feeling threatened by the idea that someone else is more desirable or valuable than you are. Nicole choosing Sam could certainly impact Benaiah’s self-esteem, increasing the emotional pain."

Viewers have now watched six couples get engaged in the pods, and now they are out in the real world and on their honeymoon. They will use this period to see if their physical connection is as strong as their emotional connection, and will also meet the other cast members of the opposite sex.

However, although six couples got engaged, only five went on honeymoon. Viewers learn that Nicole and Sam broke off their engagement shortly after exiting the pods and did not go on the honeymoon.

The men in Love is Blind UK decide whether love really is blind. (Netflix)
The men in Love is Blind UK decide whether love really is blind. (Netflix)

Nicole reveals that she accidentally put her ring from Sam on the wrong hand, which she took as a sign that things were not quite right between them. For people who believe in signs from the universe, paying attention to them can “provide comfort and a sense of guidance, helping individuals in making decisions about their own relationships”, Dr Suglani explains.

"However, we often tend to see ‘signs’ when we are looking for answers to any doubts or questions we have. In this case, Nicole had personal doubt around her decision after Sam’s reaction to the proposal.

"This ‘sign’ was what she took as a personal confirmation that she wasn’t making the right decision for herself. Using this form of validation for our personal doubts is fine, as long as it’s done with rational thinking. While these signs can be meaningful, not all signs should be taken at face value. By maintaining a balance, individuals can integrate their beliefs into their relationship making informed and thoughtful choices."

In a preview of the next batch of episodes, viewers see Nicole admitting she has made a huge mistake and wants to fix things with Benaiah. But is it possible after her rejection of him?

Love is Blind: UK: Season 1. Benaiah in Love is Blind: UK: Season 1. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix/Tom Dymond © 2024
Can Nicole and Benaiah repair their relationship in the next few episodes of Love is Blind UK? (Netflix)

Not only is it possible for them to repair their relationship, but it may even bring them closer, says Dr Suglani.

"A relationship can certainly be repaired when one partner chooses another person and then decides to come back, provided that their emotional connection is genuine and strong.

"The process of repairing such a relationship requires effort, understanding, and a willingness to address the issues that led to the initial decision to leave. Most importantly, the couple have to choose to move forward together and not linger over the past.

"Feelings of betrayal and hurt may linger, and Benaiah may have doubts about Nicole’s commitment and loyalty. It is crucial for her to demonstrate that she is committed to rebuilding the relationship and is genuinely sorry for any hurt caused.

"This being said, however, if Nicole and Benaiah are able to rebuild their relationship, this could actually bring them closer. This is because it might encourage them to talk more openly and work through issues, which can strengthen their bond and deepen their connection."

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