March Tarot Card Reading: Tarot for Each Zodiac Sign

Liudmila Chernetska

Teen Vogue astrologer Lisa Stardust offers a monthly tarot card reading, pulling cards for each zodiac sign.

March is being hyped as the most intense astrological month of 2025 — and that it will be. The two planetary retrogrades and two eclipses will be tricky to overcome. Luckily, your trusted advisor is here to give you a glimpse of how to navigate through the cosmic turbulence.

The romantic and financial planet Venus begins retrograde from March 1 to April 12 in the signs of Aries and Pisces. Throughout the journey, we’ll discover what we want from relationships and evolve our feelings. Next up, the communication planet Mercury moves into Aries on March 3. Less than two weeks later, on March 15, Mercury begins its moonwalk in Aries, heading back into Pisces until April 7. Mercury retrograde will define our boundaries and teach us how to converse effectively with others. Venus retrograde backsplashes into Pisces on March 27, stirring up old emotions. Mercury retrograde moves into the water sign Pisces on March 29, creating confusion and ambiguity. Since Venus and Mercury's retrograde co-occur, we can expect exes to come back into our lives — whether or not we want to accept them is the question.

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The total lunar eclipse in Virgo occurs on March 14, pushing us to apply pragmatism to our emotions, which will be challenging amidst the retrogrades. The sun moves into Aries on March 20, kicking off the astrological new year and the spring equinox. With the onset of spring, we will start to believe in our thoughts and visions more. The solar eclipse in Aries commences on March 29, allowing us to leave the past behind and start a new chapter.

Finally, the elusive planet Neptune gets fired up in Aries on March 30. This is important because Neptune has been swimming in the tempestuous seas of Pisces for the past 13 years. Since Neptune is waffling back and forth between Aries and Pisces throughout 2025, we’ll begin to fight for what we love and take no prisoners regarding matters of the heart.

Ok, that's a lot! So, how can you best get through it all? Here's a tarot card reading by zodiac sign to help guide you.

Aries & Aries Rising Tarotscope: Ace of Wands, 3 of Pentacles, and King of Swords

Most of the time, you like to take the lead on group projects. This month, you're going to be in a situation where you'll find that even if you take the reins on a short-term venture for school, letting your peers be in charge of an element of the endeavor ushers you all to greatness and the chance to ace the class. Give others the opportunity to shine with you. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Taurus & Taurus Rising Tarotscope: 8 of Cups, 2 of Wands, and Strength

If you're in a relationship that isn't fulfilling, you should start to determine whether or not you wish to stay. Moving on is the best option, but it’s hard to remove yourself once your comforts are set in. Standing strong and releasing who or what is no longer serving your highest potential is beneficial to your well-being. The question is: Are you ready? No matter what you feel now, you'll let go at some point.

Gemini & Gemini Rising Tarotscope: The Hierophant, 8 of Pentacles, and 3 of Cups

To be successful, you need to have patience. You should be able to make a few of your dreams come true by the end of the month, so put your energy toward manifesting your future visions. For every hope and goal you attain, treat yourself to something special. Then, when you set further intentions, you’ll know that your efforts will reap sweetness. Awareness can help you move toward your passions with drive in its time.

Cancer & Cancer Rising Tarotscope: Judgment, Knight of Swords, and 8 of Wands

Discussing past issues will help you heal. Not only will you feel heard, but it'll also be freeing and enable you to start the healing journey. Journaling, talking to a counselor, yapping to friends, and art therapy are fruitful ways of alleviating your pain. Remember that it'll take a minute before you're in a better place, so don't rush the TLC and energy you are pouring into yourself — it’s necessary, and you deserve it.

Leo & Leo Rising Tarotscope: The High Priestess, 10 of Cups, and Queen of Wands

The happily-ever-after fairytale outcome that you've been looking for centers around you being the hero of your own story. Rather than wondering who will ride off into the sunset with you, know that you're a trailblazer who’ll forge your own path to unique results. The key is to believe in yourself, especially when the going gets tough. You will crush whatever you put your heart into — 100% guaranteed. You got this!

Virgo & Virgo Rising Tarotscope: 4 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles, and 4 of Cups

Burnout is real, and you’re experiencing it in full force. Even though you know that you've reached the end of your rope, you’re not stopping to chill. The more you take on, the harder you’ll fall. You don’t have to flex 24/7 to prove you’re a baller. To achieve your best life, it is vital to implement R&R. Fight off lethargy and exhaustion by taking care of yourself. Put yourself first — you're important.

Libra & Libra Rising Tarotscope: Ace of Pentacles, 6 of Cups, and 10 of Wands

The good ol’ days are far behind you. And you think that you can get back to that place with your boo. The bottom line is that you can, but it won't be an easy task. You both have to evolve from and reconcile many problems that are hindering you from being able to form a fantastic foundation. To do so, you’ll have to be accountable and apologetic. Roll up your sleeves and get going!

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising Tarotscope: The Chariot, Justice, and King of Wands

To close a chapter of your life, you must commit to moving on. If you're wishy-washy about the demise of a relationship or situation, you will stay in the same cycle forever. You’ll be on and off again, and there will be no demand to take things to the next level due to the familiarity of where things are currently. Change must happen for you to grow and advance to what you desire.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising Tarotscope: Page of Pentacles, The Sun, and The Emperor

To exceed at anything and everything you do, it’s imperative to maintain a positive outlook on matters when roadblocks are in your way of winning. Don’t let one little setback hold you back in life. When one door closes, another one opens which is better. Trust that the universe has your back and will guide you toward excellence if you have faith. The sky's the limit if you are determined and committed to your purpose.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising Tarotscope: 4 of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, and 7 of Cups

While being in love and on cloud nine suits you, it’s beginning to have a somewhat negative effect on keeping up with mundane life and your friendships. You’re getting caught up in the fantasy and not paying attention to reality. Crushes and flirtations could come crashing down when you least expect it if you don’t keep a foot on the ground. Before the bubble bursts, find a balance that is in line with your situationship.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising Tarotscope: The Devil, Wheel of Fortune, and Queen of Cups

Old habits die hard. Although it is tempting to fall back on the past in a moment of weakness, try to embrace self-control. Instead of conversing with a toxic ex or frenemy, be mindful of these actions' consequences on your heart. You should opt out of the drama because you know better than to stir that pot again. Words of advice: Live and let live. Do not go backward when you’ve been moving steadily forward.

Pisces & Pisces Rising Tarotscope: The Hermit, 6 of Wands, and The Hanged Man

It’s OK to take space for yourself. Reflecting on your path will lead you to understand what you long for. Listen to what your instincts and gut are telling you. To get to the place you fancy, being in tune with your spiritual self is essential. By allowing yourself the space to grow, you can cultivate wisdom that enlightens you on a soulful level — then you can share your knowledge and insights with others.

Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue