Marry Me Chicken Just Got Our Favorite Upgrade Yet

It takes "Marry Me" to the next level.

<p>Dotdash Meredith Food Studios</p>

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If you've already tried turning the infamous Marry Me Chicken recipe into its equally comforting soup form, we have another twist just for you. In this reinvented version, smoky bacon cooks with chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, shallots, garlic, cream, and more, to make a rich, dreamy sauce for cheese-filled tortellini. This irresistible pasta dish will have you swooning for seconds (and thirds)—and make practically anyone want to kiss the cook. Because there's nothing more romantic than cooking for loved ones.

What Is Marry Me Chicken Tortellini?

According to recipe developer Nicole Hopper, "Marry Me Chicken can have a lot of variations, but at its core, it tends to most often be pan-seared chicken cutlets in a creamy sun-dried tomato sauce. Many recipes call to serve it whole or sliced over pasta, but here, tortellini are incorporated into the recipe to make it one cohesive pasta dish, all tossed in the sauce."

Such a delicious dish is sure to elicit a marriage proposal, so just be prepared before tucking into a plateful of this decadent pasta.

How to Make Marry Me Chicken Tortellini

Luckily, such an enchanting dish is quite easy to make. Aside from a pot of boiling water, everything comes together in one pan in under an hour. So while it will taste like an elaborate meal, it is anything but that to make. Here's what you'll need for our captivating Marry Me Chicken Tortellini.

<p>Dotdash Meredith Food Studios</p>

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Marry Me Chicken Tortellini Ingredients

  • Bacon: While bacon is optional, we recommend using it for a smoky, deep flavor. Plus, it adds a chewy texture that complements the chicken and pasta beautifully.

  • Chicken breast: Sear the chicken in the rendered bacon grease before chopping it up into bite-sized pieces for an unforgettable meal.

  • Sun-dried tomatoes: Use julienne-cut sun-dried tomatoes in oil with herbs here for concentrated flavor, along with tomato paste for extra punch.

  • Seasonings: Typical "Marry Me" flavorings are used, including shallot, garlic, Italian seasoning, and crushed red pepper for a little kick.

  • Heavy cream: Whipping cream creates an ideal, velvety sauce to blanket the tortellini. A bit of chicken broth is added as well to balance the texture.

  • Tortellini: Pick up your favorite store-bought cheese-filled refrigerated tortellini to bring this dish home.

  • Garnishes: Parmesan cheese and fresh basil make perfect finishing touches.

How to Make Marry Me Chicken Tortellini

Once you have everything gathered, bring a pot of salted water to a boil to cook the tortellini. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, render the chopped bacon until crispy and then set it aside, leaving some of the drippings in the pan to cook the chicken. Once the chicken is cooked through, transfer that to a plate to cool so you can chop it up.

In the same pan, add the sun-dried tomatoes, shallot, garlic, and other seasonings to soften and allow the flavors to meld. The tomato paste, chicken broth, and cream all come next, in stages, for silky sauce perfection. By now the tortellini should be tender and al dente, ready to be tossed into the sauce along with the bacon and chicken. Finally, scoop your masterpiece into bowls and top with Parmesan and fresh basil to delight your diners.

Pro tip: Reserve some starchy pasta water to thin out the sauce if needed.

<p>Dotdash Meredith Food Studios</p>

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Recipe Tip From Our Test Kitchen

"A good way to eyeball and test the thickness of the cream sauce is to drag a spoon through the sauce as it simmers. When the spoon leaves a trail, you know that the sauce has thickened up and it’s a good time to add your pasta and remaining ingredients. If needed, use the pasta water to loosen your sauce." - Elizabeth Mervosh

Tips and Substitutions for Making Marry Me Chicken Tortellini Your Own

  • If you don’t eat pork, you can just leave out the bacon. Sear the chicken breast in a neutral oil instead. For an added shortcut, you can also use already-cooked chicken.

  • Frozen tortellini would also work, as would a flavor filling other than cheese. Go with a brand you trust since the tortellini plays a starring role.

  • If you want to forgo tortellini entirely, you can also sub in any shape of pasta as an alternative.

  • Have fun with this recipe! Swap chicken for shrimp, add in some veggies like spinach or broccolini to boost the nutrition, or sprinkle toasted pine nuts on top for crunch. The Marry Me pasta-bilites are endless.

<p>Dotdash Meredith Food Studios</p>

Dotdash Meredith Food Studios

How to Serve and Store Marry Me Chicken Tortellini

Serve this magical recipe with some crusty bread, ideally garlic bread, and a fresh green salad or roasted asparagus for the perfect meal.

Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two days. When reheating, add an extra splash of cream or chicken broth to help the sauce loosen back up.

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