23 Unhinged (But Proud) Food Opinions That I Honestly Wish People Had Just Kept To Themselves
There's a reason why they make chocolate and vanilla... We all have food preferences, but once in a while you hear someone's culinary opinion that really makes you wonder. So, Redditor u/deathbykoolaidman asked, "What's your actual unpopular food opinion?" People had lots to contribute, including some members of the BuzzFeed Community. Here are some of their responses.
1."I absolutely hate ketchup — it's just tomatoes and sugar. That’s disgusting. I eat my fries with hot sauce, which makes much more sense to have with potatoes than a sugary tomato sauce."
2."Sour cream has a drastically different flavor profile from yogurt. I like both, but they should be used for very different purposes. Yogurt does not belong anywhere near a baked potato or a soup."
3."This may sound violently American, but I can't pretend that I don't love those fake cheese singles. They may not be 'real' cheese, but they are really delicious."
4."I refer to red bell peppers as 'pollutants' because their flavor seeps into everything they touch."
5."Many people massively conflate spicy food with seasoned food. Some people who love spicy food cannot taste what they cook other than the heat. Their food has no actual flavor other than the taste of your mouth burning."
6."Pancakes, waffles, and French toast aren't meant to be a regular breakfast meal. They're clearly dessert."
7."I like boring, soggy, steamed, or boiled frozen vegetables. There. I said it."
8."Truffle flavor ruins food. Whether it's truffle fries, truffle oil on pizza, etc... It’s supposed to be fancy and elevate a meal, but IMO truffle-anything just makes food taste worse."
9."People like to hate on Hawaiian pizza, but pineapple on pizza tastes amazing if paired with the right toppings. The sourness of pineapple cuts through the dense dough and cheese. Pineapple's sweetness pairs well with the spice of a jalapeño."
10."I once dated a guy who only ate food because it was required to live. He didn’t understand the concept of eating for pleasure and thought it was a waste of money. We clearly didn’t date for very long."
11."Macarons are an awful dessert. They cost too much and taste like someone slapped some subpar frosting on a giant Froot Loop. Also, all the flavors taste the same. I found this amazing bakery where everything sold is incredible. I thought that surely *these* macarons would make me understand the hype. Nope. Still trash that I paid 30 dollars for."
12."Not every dish is improved by a block of cream cheese. I'm looking at you, TikTok cooks..."
13."I don’t care for tomatoes on sandwiches. A single slice of tomato makes the bread soggy, and there is nothing worse than soggy sandwich bread."
14."Pickles ruin food. To me, they’re just crunchy vinegar. I can’t even stand the smell of them, let alone the taste. They ruin burgers and sandwiches because they make everything else taste like pickles. If I order something that comes with pickles, I have to make sure they can be served without. If they touch my food, I still get the essence of pickle on my taste buds."
15."I love grating fresh parm for most dishes, but sometimes that chump Kraft stuff just hits the spot."
16."I can’t stand the flavor of chocolate syrup. If anything "chocolate" is made with chocolate syrup, it’s very obvious and doesn't taste good at all."
17."I cannot stand ziti. There’s zero texture and nothing holding the sauce onto the pasta. There's nothing about ziti that makes it interesting. It's just a slimy noodle that slides around. your plate."
18."I refuse to cook anything that includes ketchup in the recipe. I can use ketchup as a condiment with many things, but as soon as ketchup is listed as an ingredient, I can’t stand it."
19."When I make a salad for just myself, I chop everything up so I can eat it with a spoon. I actually really dislike getting a huge leaf of lettuce on my fork."
20."Boxed mac 'n' cheese for life. You can take your dry four-cheese oven-baked mac. The homemade stuff never has the same indulgent magic that a good old box of Kraft provides. I'm a huge cheese lover, but mac 'n' cheese is the only cheesy food I prefer with processed stuff rather than the fancy, real version."
21."Pumpkin spice is THE most overrated flavor."
22."Scrambled eggs need to be so well done they start to brown and then they are perfect. A ‘custard’ consistency or even slightly wet scrambled eggs are a no-go for me. It's a texture thing."
23."I think bananas are disgusting, overrated, and I don't understand their appeal in general. They're weird and stringy and I can't stand the way they smell. I enjoy a good smoothie, but if there is banana in it then I am out."
What's a controversial or divisive food opinion you'll vehemently stand behind? Tell us in the comments or drop your responses into this Google form.
Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.