Medical Professionals, Tell Us About The Scariest Moment You've Experienced While On Shift

Like a lot of people, I learned everything I know about the medical field from movies and TV shows (and some late-night WedMD searches, shhhh). While I've learned a few facts from Scrubs and Grey's Anatomy, my hours spent binge-watching certainly aren't medical school. Only those who work in healthcare truly know the unimaginable scenarios they face every day.

"Scrubs" characters JD and Dr. Cox are in a hospital hallway, both wearing medical scrubs and stethoscopes around their necks, with serious expressions

Which is why I'm asking everyone in the medical field: What is the scariest moment you've experienced while on shift?

Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang from "Grey's Anatomy" looking horrified at a scene unfolding in front of them

Maybe you're a surgeon, and you had to make a split-second decision during a long, grueling surgery.

Two surgeons in surgical scrubs, masks, and caps working under bright operating room lights
Fangxianuo / Getty Images

Or maybe you're a nurse, and you discovered a patient's injury that no one had realized the severity of.

A healthcare worker in scrubs sits on the floor looking upward, appearing stressed. An elderly patient rests in a hospital bed in the background
Sean Anthony Eddy / Getty Images

Or maybe you're a paramedic and remember a particularly heart-pounding ambulance ride?

A paramedic in an ambulance attends to a patient lying on a stretcher, providing care and comfort
Gorodenkoff / Getty Images

Or maybe you're a radiographer and you remember making an unsettling discovery during a routine scan?

A woman in a hospital gown sits on a medical bed inside an MRI machine, speaking with a male doctor in blue scrubs
Sdi Productions / Getty Images

No matter what your terrifying moment was or how it happened, we want to hear your story. So, medical professionals, in the comments below, share the scariest experiences you've had while on shift (be sure to include your job title) — or if you prefer to remain anonymous, you can use this Google Form. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.