Men Are Sharing Facts About Themselves That Women Would Probably Have A Hard Time Believing

It's always easier to assume things about the opposite sex without actually knowing if it's true. So, anytime I see a Reddit thread where men are sharing their POV on things — I immediately scroll through the comments to read more. Here is what some men answered when asked, "Men of Reddit, what is a fact about men that women believe is a lie?"

1."You can think someone is attractive without being attracted to them."


2."Sometimes we aren't consciously staring at some part of your body; we're just zoned out thinking about something, and you happen to be in the line of sight."

Chris Evans glances over his shoulder with a soft expression, wearing a casual white shirt, set against a blurred indoor background

3."It’s possible to be a decent guy with social skills and a good heart, yet still struggle to find love. I’ve found that, as a man, if you ever say you’re struggling with dating, YOU, by default, are the problem, and people will turn into private investigators trying to find out what’s wrong with you. Maybe you’re unhygienic, or you just don’t groom yourself, or you’re secretly a misogynist. It has to be something."

"No, that’s not necessarily true. Assuming that if dating is a struggle for you, you must genuinely be clueless. There are scores of well-put-together men who just aren’t finding love for any number of reasons that are out of their control, and insinuating that they always must be doing something wrong perpetuates the stigma against people who are single in adulthood. The stigma that they’re single because something is wrong with them.

I don’t doubt many men have some ridiculous blind spots in the dating world, but based on the dating discourse I’ve seen on here, it seems many women think all a man has to do is be a good and fun human being and he’ll be snatched up immediately."


4."It feels like many women are misinformed about what we find attractive."

A person wearing a camouflage hat with an American flag patch and a necklace says, "Juliana is very attractive." Background has lush, green vegetation

5."So many men don't show emotion because they opened up at one point in their lives, and it was used against them to some degree. It's happened to almost every man at some point. We choose to be distant so we don't get hurt again."


A man sits on the edge of a bed, holding his head in his hand, appearing distressed. A clock on the wall shows 7:00
Djavan Rodriguez / Getty Images

6."When I say 'I don’t care' about something, I truly don't care. I don’t care if we go to visit your parents or watch grass grow outside. I really want to do whatever makes you happy."


7."Sometimes erections happen and have nothing to do with what we're seeing or thinking about. We really don't get complimented ever. I've seen some women on here recently claim this isn't true. Women are just as responsible as men for men suppressing emotions."


8."We can talk with our male friends for hours and not find out anything about what’s going on with their lives. We’re still cool with each other."

Travis Kelce, wearing a plaid shirt and jacket, enjoys wings and converses with Bowen Yang, who's dressed in a casual button-up at a bar table with drinks and condiments

9."I gave up dating and chasing women years ago. I was never any good at it and never found it was worth the effort. I'm perfectly fine single so I just can't muster the enthusiasm to bother putting the effort in any more. My female friends and family flat-out refuse to believe I haven't been on a date or hooked up with anyone in about five years. They view all guys as desperate, sex-crazed maniacs, and the notion that as a single, straight, apparently reasonably attractive man, I'm not out trying to hook up with women constantly just does not compute with them, and they refuse to believe it."

"They think I'm lying or I'm hiding some secret harem of women somewhere, and I've even had some of them try to test if I'm actually gay and hiding it. When I've explained my issues with dating to them in the past, they just scoff at it and say, 'Why don't you just go to a bar and hook up with someone or download a dating app' as if that's all I have to do and I'll have women lining up to get with me. They're baffled when I say it's difficult for some guys."


10."That having a hard-on doesn't always mean I want sex. After 21 years together, my wife still can't get her head around that."

Two people lying in bed with their feet sticking out from under the blanket
Erdark / Getty Images

11."I’ve been with my wife for 14 years, and just last week, I mentioned blue balls, and she defiantly exclaimed, 'Blue balls is a myth!' My guess is she learned in school that blue balls aren’t a valid reason for a guy to use as an excuse for sexual acts, and she conflated that to meaning blue balls isn’t real at all."


12."That almost all the shitty things that happen to women at work also happen to men. We get talked over, talked down to, excluded, 'mansplained' to, and underpaid. The number of times I've heard women complain about this stuff as if it only happens to women is unreal. Maybe it happens more to women, I don't know, but some women seem to believe it never happens to men. There actually isn't a 'boys club' where all the men get together to smoke cigars, drink brandy, and discuss how we're going to keep the womenfolk down and rate their boobs."

A person at a desk, looking stressed, pinches the bridge of their nose while staring at a computer screen. Office environment is visible in the background
Peopleimages / Getty Images

13."That many of us don't want to hurt women or make them uncomfortable. I spend so much mental effort and time monitoring myself so I don't make the women around me uncomfortable. I understand why women feel like this — it only takes one shitty man to change someone's life forever. So I get you have to be vigilant. I know I'm not dangerous. But I also know women have to operate under the assumption I could be dangerous for their own safety. I get it — I just want you to feel safe."


14."That men actually have feelings and that men want women to be accountable."


15."We don’t want our girl to be like the girl I like on my Instagram feed."

A man, whose name is unknown, is sitting comfortably on a couch, focusing on his smartphone. The image suggests engagement with digital communication or dating apps
Adene Sanchez / Getty Images

16."A lot of women I know personally think men love playing mind games. Think of playing hot or cold because 'men love mystery.' One of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a long time."


17.And finally, "It hurts when you invalidate our feelings or tell us we are bad at things."


Guys, is there anything else you could add to this list? If so, share it with me in the comments below!