22 Foods That Millennials Immediately Think Of When They About The '90s
We all have nostalgic foods that when we eat them or think about them they immediately transport us back to a certain time and place. For example, when I think of Quiznos, I'm immediately transported back to the early '00s — and I can practically taste the raspberry chipotle sauce (which I was addicted to) that I'd ask for on my toasted turkey sub.
And recently, Reddit user u8miladoo touched upon that very subject when they asked The '90s subreddit: "What Food first comes to your mind when you think of the '90s?"
Well, lots of millennials chimed in with the foods that they first think about when it comes to that decade. Below are the top and best responses:
1."Taco Bell. I don't even know why exactly...'90s Taco Bell was just amazing."
"'¡Yo quiero Taco Bell!' is still the only sentence I know in Spanish."
"They’ve removed so many of the classics! My personal favorite was the Double Decker Taco. I ate there with my wife not too long ago and was surprised at how trimmed down the menu is now."
"There was one that had summer sausage and mozzarella and I ate all the time in high school."
"Still buy them due to nostalgia. The nachos were amazing."
3."Viennetta ice cream cakes."
"The commercials had me convinced this was for rich people."—shabamboozaled
4."That square school lunch pizza."
"The breakfast pizza was so good."
"It’s still around and it’s just as good as it was back then."
5."Shark Bites! Those white opaque ones were the best!!!"
"Raise your hand if you used to scarf down a whole box because hey they’re fat free so they must be good for you… 🥴 The low fat/no fat craze was so '90s."
8."The personal pan Pizza Hut pizzas from Book It! Or like, the whole experience of a Book It! pizza party."
"Those Book It! pan pizzas were like real life Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Golden Tickets."
"I got a lot of pizzas through the reading program, but also at the end of it, the class got to take a field trip to the local Pizza Hut and eat pizza (it was before it opened to regular customers, so kind of a late morning thing). We ate a lot of pizza, but also put so many coins in the jukebox and bought so much crap from those sticker/toy machines for a quarter or fifty cents."
9."3D Doritos"
10."My mom used to buy these sour cream and onion flavored crackers that were shaped like ducks. I think they were called Quackers — which is so stupid, but they were so delicious."
11."Bagel Bites. PIIIIZZZAAAAAA! In the mornin,' pizza in the evenin,' pizza at supper time!"
When pizza’s on a bagel, you can have pizza ANYTIME
"Guaranteed third-degree mouth burn. Hurt sooo good."
12."Kudos granola bars."
"I can smell this comment for some reason. They had a unique smell."
"These were my breakfast every morning. I think my mom thought they were healthy? Lol."
13."Wendy’s and their whole yellow aesthetic. Yellow cups, yellow fry containers."
14."Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust pizza. They found another place to hide more cheese."
"Yes, I remember Stuffed Crust debuting with the Casper the movie promo in 1995."
15."McDonald’s Arch Deluxe — 'The burger with the grown-up taste' — which is known for being one of McDonald’s biggest commercial flops, but I loved it! Even as a child. The sourdough bun and the tangy sauce were just delicious."
16."Toaster Strudel"
"Ugh. Toaster Strudel was so good."
"My brother and I thought we had finally made it when we got those instead of Pop-Tarts."
17."Mine is that Shake N' Bake chicken. The commercial was those two middle-aged ladies shaking and baking chicken. My single mom was sold, and it was in the weekly rotation."
18."Vanilla cake doughnuts from Burger King."
19."Fruit by the Foot"
"When you pulled this out of your lunch pale even your Enemies became your friends."
20."Olestra chips. You know, the ones that made you get diarrhea? Never personally had them, but I remember the hoopla."
"Wow! chips were the brand that I remember with Olestra. I mean, they weren't wrong. They definitely will make you say, 'Wow!'"
21."Stouffer's French Bread Pizza"
"Oof, they were good, and also took a layer off flesh off the roof of my mouth every time."
“Yes I’d like to ingest hot lava, please!”
22.And finally, "Kid Cuisine! No matter what I did, my mac and cheese was always ice cold in the middle."
"And the brownie turned into a brick while you attempted to cook it enough the heat the macaroni."
"Omg, I was raised on kid cuisine. Did your parents make you eat the veggies before anything else?"
You can read the original thread over on Reddit.
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.