People Are In A Heated Debate Over Whether Or Not It Is Fashionably Acceptable To Wear These Two Colors Together

A woman named Caitlin Kurzman, who lives in Los Angeles, California, has been asking a lot of viral questions on her TikTok account.

Closeup of Caitlin Kurzman
Caitlin Kurzman

And her most viral question to date has garnered the attention of over 18 million people. It is about whether or not people agree with wearing two specific colors together...

A gradient image transitioning smoothly from blue to green, yellow, red, and pink, depicting a spectrum of colors
Jasmin Merdan / Getty Images

Since she was a child, Caitlin's mom and sister ingrained in her head that navy and black do NOT go together:

Close-up of a person's face with text overlay that questions the trend of wearing black and navy together
@capeqt1212 /

However, navy and black have been a fashion trend for a while now.

A collection of summer outfits and accessories displayed on a wall: a polka dot blouse with white shorts, a striped dress, a patterned shirt with a cardigan, a tote bag, and shoes
Bonetta / Getty Images

In the past, some said that you shouldn't wear navy and black together because you want to have more contrast in your clothing. Both navy and black are darker colors that could be confused for the same color — or worse; someone may think your top and bottom were accidentally mismatched.

Two women holding champagne glasses. One is wearing a form-fitting, satin dress, and the other is wearing a form-fitting, matte dress
Picturenet Corporation / Getty Images

Either way, Reddit has been filled with people debating the topic for years, and now TikTok is, too. A lot of people say black and navy look elegant and sophisticated:

A TikTok post by Lisa asking about black and navy together sparks comments from Mina, CK (Creator), and others supporting the fashion combo
@capeqt1212 /

While some still believe they clash badly:

A TikTok user named yeehaw_pswizzle comments, "black and navy CLASH. i will die on that hill. argue with the literal wall."
@capeqt1212 /

And they struggle to get on board with the look:

Profile picture of "Elis" with a comment stating, "Yeah I just can't get on board with black and navy no matter how much I try," dated 1-17, with 3135 likes and a reply option
@capeqt1212 /

Case in point:

Chantal Roxanne comments, "I wouldn’t be caught dead in navy and black." The comment has 10K likes
@capeqt1212 /

At the end of the day, though, black does go with everything!!! And since we are in the year 2024, I think it is safe to say that a lot of the old "fashion rules" don't exist. In fact, a lot of outlets are saying they are meant to be broken (aka wear whatever is the best expression of yourself!).

A TikTok comment by Lacey saying, "ok but i grew up with that black goes with everything," with 19.1K likes and 14 replies
@capeqt1212 /