Mom shaves her head to match her daughter's surgery scar
Dealing with a sick kid is hard enough for any parent, but when your kid has to go under the knife for brain surgery, it’s downright devastating.
A few weeks ago, young Faith May was left with a large scar and a partially shaved head after having a tumourhat was pushing on her optic nerve and destroying her pituitary gland removed from her brain. Noticing how the scar made her sad, her mom Jamie Dawn Beckstead did the only thing she could think of to make it better: she shaved her own head too.
“Every superhero has a side kick who picks them up, dusts them off, and makes them feel stronger then ever,” says a Facebook post outlining the story.
“Faith was feeling a little down when she noticed they had to shave some of her hair to remove her tumor. In true side kick fashion Faith’s mom, Jamie Dawn Beckstead, went home during a shift swap and came back looking just like Faith!”
“Me shaving my head to match hers seemed like the smallest thing that I could actually do for her because I am so helpless with everything else she is going through,” Beckstead said in an interview with Babble. “That smile of hers is worth every single hair on my head.”
Since the Facebook page Love What Matters shared the story, it has quickly gone viral and with it, Faith’s confidence has gone up.
“I love that when I tried to show her that we can part her hair over it and no one would really be able to see it, she now has a new confidence and pride about it and doesn’t want to cover it,” Beckstead says. “Makes me so happy.”