Your Must-Read Guide to Fall 2022's Chaotic Eclipse Season

a moon wearing heart shaped sunglasses is seen in the sky
Your Must-Read Guide to Eclipse SeasonGetty/Margie Rischiotto

It’s the most astrologically stressful time of the year: Eclipse season. Worry not—I’m speaking hyperbolically, and stress is not inherently a bad thing. In fact, stress is your body’s reminder that you’re alive, and research has even shown that stress has benefits! When people think of bad stress, they are usually referring to chronic or continuous stress, which can be harmful and have long-term effects. Short-term stress, on the other hand, can be good! It activates the “fight-or-flight” response, which calls us to action.

The stress from eclipse season is the second kind of stress. This time of year reminds us to challenge our sense of purpose through emotional forms of motivation. In other words, ask yourself if you’re living with a sense of direction and creating meaning in your life. In astrology, the Moon rules over emotions, and the Sun represents your ego and purpose. The Moon moves through zodiac signs every few days, while the Sun takes about a month to switch from sign to sign.

Go ahead and mark your calendar for the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 and the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 8, then read on to find out exactly what that means.

What’s an eclipse, anyway?

An eclipse occurs when a New Moon or Full Moon aligns with the North and South Nodes. And this round of eclipses will occur when the Sun, Moon, and Nodes are in Taurus or Scorpio. In the world of astrology, an eclipse is considered a fated time that helps propel us toward our destiny. In this context, fate is a lot like the word potential– it doesn’t exactly exist unless we’re willing to work with the universe instead of against it. Eclipses are not a time to manifest or release. Often, our rituals are driven by what our egos desire, and they may go against what is intended for us. As a result, we can block our blessings, or even worse, cause harm to ourselves. Eclipses are a time to sit back and let life happen instead of fighting flow.

The 2022 Taurus and Scorpio eclipses

By the time you’re reading this, you’ve already made it past the first round of eclipses. See, you’re a survivor–like Destiny’s Child! The North and South Nodes have been in the zodiac signs Taurus and Scorpio since January 2022. To get specific, the North Node is in Taurus and the South Node is in Scorpio. The North Node in Taurus is our reminder to approach life with patience, peace, and a willingness to share and receive love. The South Node in Scorpio suggests the need to practice trust, identify maladaptive defense mechanisms, and show a willingness to be kind to ourselves and others. Ruled by Venus, Taurus enjoys giving into hedonistic pleasure, while Mars-ruled Scorpio can stand to learn to be more gentle with itself—and patient with others.

What to expect during winter eclipse season 2022

The first round of Taurus/Scorpio eclipses occurred back in May 2022, teaching us to show a willingness to practice care and tend to our basic needs. Now, fall 2022's serve as lessons to manage our anger and resolve feelings of resentment. Sometimes we might feel lingering feelings of upset or betrayal and completely ignore them! Permit yourself to recognize your basic needs and how they were left unmet. Then trust that the universe will handle the rest; for now, all you need to do is practice self-awareness.

If you work with the universe and not against it, you should develop a deeper appreciation for the present. I associate emotionally-driven anxiety with Scorpio transits, and the emotions that accompany this eclipse season may tempt you to act out or seek power and control. Simmer down, that’s working against the universe! Your ability to chillax and be in your present reality— no matter how much you want to jump to change— will show the universe that you are a patient and reliable partner.

Who will be affected by these eclipses the most?

While all signs will feel some effects of these eclipses, naturally, Scorpio and Taurus will be affected the most. This is because the Nodes are in Scorpio's and Taurus's 1st houses, which has encouraged them to think through their relationships and personal needs for the past year. Sagittarius and Pisces are also being summoned to the thinking chamber. Sagittarius is expected to reflect on their work-life balance and wellbeing, whereas Pisces can benefit from thinking through how they speak up based on their expertise. Honorable mention: Cancer and Leo will also be extra-effected, be cause they're ruled by the Sun and Moon. Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius—you're getting off relatively easy this time.

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